meeting the fam

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where y/n meets the peters second family (the avengers) 

warning: FLUFFFFF and mild language

pairing: peter x fem!reader 

status: just started dating 

its been 3 weeks since peter and y/n started dating, they've been friends since august and after 5 months of knowing eachother, he FINALLY asked her out in new years, which couldn't be any perfect than what y/n imagined.

Peters been talking to Mr Stark about y/n the minute he had the chance to, one day Sam heard Peter not so subtly talk about his new girlfriend to his mentor.

 "oh Mr Stark, she told me that she NEVER watched Star Wars because she never had somebody to watch it with, she said she knew she'd like it but she needed someone to fangirl with" Peter explains with his hands in the air while tony is fixing a device.

 "and my stupid ass said I can fangirl with you, coz I'm like a Star Wars geek, and after I blurted that out, I thought she'd ditch me for good, but she didn't, YOU KNOW WHAT SHE SAID? she said she likes a man who's not afraid to say what he likes! I knew then that we would be somethin-" 

"yOu lIkE a gIRl?" Sam blurts out cutting peter off.

and suddenly Thor comes behind Sam "since uh *puts a finger up* when?" *A/N: see what i did there ;)* peter looked at Thor confusedly.

"no guys, they're dating keep up" Tony says not looking away from his work 

"ThEyrE DaTiNG??" they both scream, eyes wide, and mouths parted slightly. 

"is it that hard to believe I have a girlfriend?" peter asks suddenly offended 

"who has a girlfriend?" Steve finally entered. Sam and Thor wanted to explain the what they call 'miracle' but before they could say anything:

"peter, you old Capsicle" Bucky out of nowhere buts in. 

"how'd you know?" Sam asks 

"lets say the walls between the lab and mini kitchen is verrrry thin" Bucky replies stretching the 'really', peter looked at the floor blushing madly, walking slowly about to leave the lab 

"now where do you think you're going, tell me more about your little Juliet, Romeo"


Peters POV 

so last Saturday I was LITERALLY being harassed with questions regarding me having a girlfriend, and to shut them up about it I had to introduce them to her, which is a bit nerve-racking, but hopefully y/n agrees. 

I was in the elevator trying to figure out a way to tell y/n about the news. The elevator dinged and I kept whispering different sentence trying to find the right one to use.

 I took the keys out of my pocket which makes a loud jigly sound since the floor is empty and makes every noise echo, but before  Iunlock the door, it swings open revealing a very happy y/n jumping at me crossing her legs around my torso and smothering me with light kisses all over my face and neck which makes me laugh. 

"well hello to you too" i laugh, kissing her nose and she laughs. 

"we can use words later, now i want AFFECTIONNNN and CUDDLESSS" she screams running to my room. 

"use words later huh?" I smirk putting my keys and wallet on my desk. 

"not like thaatttt, what happened to the innocent shy peter?" she says slapping my arm.

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