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peter came to the avengers compound early to surprise Mr Stark but he bumped into....another stark?

warning: language

pairing: peter x Stark!reader 

status: strangers

y/n's POV

I was doing my daily morning routine, stretching then getting ready for the day until I hear my dad shout my name

"YES DAD?" i ask rather annoyed that it's just the beginning of the day and he's already asking for me to do stuff. 

"ITS YOUR TURN TO MAKE BREAKFAST!" he shouts..again, it's Tuesday already?  ughhh. i stumble tot the kitchen with a clearly amused face..can you hear my sarcasm? 

"already grumpy huh?" Sam spoke trying to annoy me, which clearly worked.

"shut up Samantha" I give him the side look. 

"stop calling me that!" 

"not a chance" I stick my tongue out 

"ok ok enough guys" my dad oh yeah did I mention my dad's Tony Stark? and the annoying dumbass beside me is Sam Wilson...the FALCON? well once you get to really know them they get very annoying. 

"ugh fine, what do you guys want" I say trying to get this over with. 

"LADY Y/N! IS IT HER TURN TO COOK?" Thor suddenly barges in, oh no. 

"yes Thor now please take it easy on me and don't make me do 20 pancakes JUST for you" I practically beg 

"well I'm sorry M'lady but a god has to eat" he says slapping his I-still-don't-know-how fit stomach.

"ugh..great" I say grabbing sauce pans and ingredients to the counter. 

"good morning everyone, fury wants us for an emergency meeting" Steve announces giving me a salute to which I salute back, its kind of our thing.

"ok well *claps his hands* good luck y/n, we'll come back in like 30 minutes, oh and if you hear any footsteps go immediately to your room it's probably a cleaner or something" my dad says, the thing is..no one knows THE tony stark has a daughter.

only the avengers do, and its kinda hard living with with like 100 employees who don't know I exist, but that's why my dad made me a schedule. 

if I remember correctly there is a new recruit who still doesn't know me yet, peter? I think? he always came in the weekends so I usually just hang out in the basement or in my room.

But I caught a glimpse of him once I couldn't see him really but from what I've seen he looked cute. 

"yeah dad I know, don't worry" I reassure him. 

"now go! I have a lot of cooking to do!" I say. once everyone left for their meeting I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to play my cooking playlist. 

peter's POV 

I finished school early today, it was something about a kid exploding the lab by accident? I don't know I just thanked god it wasn't me because of my web fluids and stuff.

so on my way back home I realized I'll probably be home alone, mays at work right now and she'll come at like 8 or something. so I decided to surprise the avengers!. 

when I came inside I couldn't hear anything which was odd because this building is the most chaotic building to ever exist. I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y where the guys are and she said they're all in an important meeting 

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