Wiping his cup before drinking prank (TikTok)

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Wiping his cup before drinking prank (TikTok)

Warning: kissing??

Pairing: Peter x fem!reader

Status: dating <3


I was just scrolling through TikTok, sitting in peters bed waiting for him to come back from his patrolling.

*text from: lovey 🧸*

Lovey 🧸: hey y/n/n I'm getting Starbucks, want some? 🤓

Y/n: yess plssss 🥺

Lovey 🧸: okk what do you want? Ur hot drink order or cold one?

Y/n: ummm the cold one pls

Lovey 🧸: on it 😉

Y/n: thx bubs

Lovey 🧸: no problem, love

Ugh I don't deserve him, while I was waiting I organized his room a bit, he's been working really hard lately he can't even clean his room properly, so I decided to do it for him.

After cleaning up peters room I went back to his bed and kept scrolling on TikTok, until I found a video that caught my eye.

The video is about a girl wanting to try her boyfriends drink but instead of just drinking it she wipes his cup, and the boy looked hurt and confused, I really want to do this to Peter, it'll be hilarious!

So I set up my phone just below the desk, because I was sitting on the ground and waited.


Peters POV

I just entered the elevator to my apartment with my girlfriend and i's drinks, I was so tired from patrolling and I couldn't wait to see y/n, she always makes me feel better after my morning patrols on the weekends.


The elevator stopped at my floor, and I grabbed my keys walking to my door. I opened it and said:

"BABE?" while closing the door, looking for my beautiful girlfriend.

"IN UR ROOM!" She answered, I smiled gently and walked to my room

"Oh there you are" I smiled, "got your favorite drink" I said.

"Ugh you're the best!" She beams giving me grabby hands.

 "uh uh uh, what's the magic word?" I ask grinning

 "really?.." she says clearly annoyed (in a joking way), I gave her the 'you gotta say it I or I won't give it to you' look, "ugh...Spider-Man's the hottest avenger" she blurts out.

"actually it was "Spider-Man could beat any of the avengers ass, but that's a good one too" I say shrugging.

"hey that was never a magic word! You just want me to say your the hottest because you saw me drool over Bucky" she playfully slaps me, I just laugh and give her, her drink.


So I got my drink and it tasted sooo good! Like always, I wanted to start the prank before he notices the camera, but before I ask, Peter suddenly grabs me by my hips and puts me on his lap, I look at him confused but he just had this stupid grin on his face.

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