I-I like you..

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Where peter confesses his feelings for you <3

warning: kissing 😘

pairing: peter x fem!reader 

status: besties 

Peters POV: 

Today's the day, I'm confessing my feelings to y/n and maybe as her to be my girlfriend..no I will! If she feels the same, oh god what if she doesn't- 


"Huh? Oh y/n your here! Wait...your here?" 

"Yes? Since when do I tell you when I come to your place?" She laughs shrugging 

"oh no it's fine I was just thinking about you so I got confus-" I looked up at her embarrassed, she looked...amused 

"shit" I face palm 

"thinking about me huh?" God she's teasing me now 

"uhhh yeah"

 "what are you thinking about?" She asks PURPOSELY getting close, about how beautiful and amazing you are that I just feel like your so precious all the time that I have to protect you 24/7 like your fragile and always wanting to kiss you in the weirdest times, like in math class how you huffed from a hard equations, I just wanted to kiss the pout away, or when you were in pain coz of the intense cramps you had a week ago, or when you were sleeping! I feel the need to cuddle you all the time which thankfully we do, you may think I'm clingy to everyone I'm comfortable with but it's only you I swear but it's fine if you don't feel the same coz I've been hiding my feelings for 3 years now...I obviously didn't say that out loud, god now what should I say to her?

 "Wow.." she says looking....shocked? Wait what did I say? 

"Wait- did I say that out loud?" "

Yeah...you did" she giggles 

"shit" she carries on laughing, at this point i would like to die, thankfully i had my suit on so i scurried off to the window 

"where do you think you're going?" holding my wrist 

"run away from embarrassment?" like its the most obvious thing to do 

"oh, i was gonna kiss you but i guess you have something else to do" she trails off and heads to my bedroom door, what did she say? i click the button om my wrist, web her up and yank her back to me 

"now where do you think you're going?" i tell her, our faces centimetres apart 

"leave your room" she breathes out looking back and forth between my eyes and lips, i never been this close to her before to any girl for that matter, she really is beautiful *A/N: yes you are queen!!, ok back to reading* the moment felt so intimate i could literally explode from the butterflies

"what are you waiting for?" she breaths out again heavily breath which would've made me worried but this is a different kind of breathing, i had this sudden self-confidence and went for it, it started slow and sweet, us adjusting to this euphoric feeling.

my hands slid from her wrist to her waist while her hands tangled my hair, whenever she tugged my hair my grip on her waist tightened, after few seconds we pulled away, looking at eachother breathing heavily i could see her eyes crinkling from the beautiful smile forming in her face 

"i dont know if you could tell but, i-i like you" i say sheepishly our hands still holding eachother

 "oh i could tell" she says leaning again to me, i swear i could kiss her all day 

"good" i mumble on her lips and she laughs 

"i like you too" she says hugging me tight and pecking me one last time then she pulls back from my grip which made me subconsciously whine 

"have fun patrolling" 

"wh-what?" i tilted my head a bit 

"that's what i came to do? to wish you good luck like every day before you go patrolling?" she says walking backwards 

"you cant just leave me like that?" i tell her clearly annoyed i needed more. 

"why not?" she says clearly enjoying this 

"because i don't allow it" i tell her webbing her up again and flopping us in my bed wrapping my legs and arms around her 

"pete, as much as i like this, what about the people that need saving?" 

"right now i can't sense anything, were good" i tell her snuggling in her neck, and so the night went on with more cuddling, kissing and watching movies :) 

have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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