Facetimes and screenshots

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Where you slept during a FaceTime call with Peter.

Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader

Status: dating

disclaimer: slight language and the bedroom i imagined was the one in homecoming. 

Peter's POV

"Yeah so tell me about your day, Pete" I heard my girlfriend ask me, smiling at me adoringly yet tiredly, a yawn escaped her lips. she was on her bed seconds away from going to sleep, I can tell. She just told me how exhausted she was from studying for her physics quiz. I told her I could come and help her out but her parents/guardians wouldn't allow me to come this late.

I finally sat on my desk chair playing video games after hours of studying with y/n on the phone.

"Well, I've been drowned with a lot of homework and assignments but thankfully I finished most of them, I'll do the Spanish homework tomorrow since it's due next week" I spoke looking at her every once in a while to see when she'll finally give in and give her body some rest.

"Baby you should go rest, we've been studying for a while and who knows maybe you studied before that as well" I tried to convince her.

"No no I wanna listen to you rant about Mr Walesmith and his sticky papers" she giggled, remembering the first time I complained about Mr Walesmith's sticky papers.

I snorted at the memory, still disgusted by the way but what can I do? Thank god I only have history twice a week.

"Well- oh shit wait, flash is being an idiot again" my attention got back to the PC infront of me

"What's new?" Her voice echoed through the phone

"I love you" I laughed clicking the buttons extra hard to fix flash's mistake

"I love you too" she yawned her cute smile never leaving her face.

"I bet you if I was beside you right now, you'd sleep like a baby" I stated finally looking at my phone to see her precious y/e/c orbs shining from the screen.

"I'm not even gonna deny that it's like you have a spell or something"

"What can I say? I am very cuddle-able" I shrugged

"That's not a word" she laughed. "You still did not talk to me about you're dayyy" her voice echoed through again singing the last part of her sentence.

"And your supposed to sleeeeeeep" I replied with the same tone but eventually gave in.

"well, I blew up the lab again, surprise surprise. But Mr Stark forgave me since I helped them with the formula...before it exploded anyways. Thor wanted me to teach him how to play Apex and I agreed so he could play with me right now but he fucked everything up and somehow managed to get his hammer smashed on the screen, Bucky and sam were a pain in the ass blaming me for every single thing that went wrong today, but I got them back and managed to book the tv this Friday so we can watch whatever we wa-" I looked at my phone again making sure that my girlfriend is alive since I didn't hear anything from her and at the same timei looked at the glowing screen I heard a small snore.

Her breathing got heavier due to finally letting her body rest and she cuddled up the pillow beside her mumbling incoherent words then smiled, I looked at her confused wishing I knew what she was dreaming at that time. The game was long forgotten all my attention was on the little gleaming screen infront of me. She smiled some more snuggling her pillow even further.

I honestly never thought I could get jealous of a pillow...yet here we are. I looked at her peaceful face, admiring every bit of her features. Her cheeks getting squashed by her pillow, the little baby hairs that fell to frame her gorgeous face, the-my-oversized white hoodie that made her look like a cloud, she was perfect.

not to be creepy or anything, I had to take a couple of screenshots...just a little. By a little I mean over 20 screenshots since she keeps smiling all the time and I obviously couldn't stop smiling, you can tell by the screenshots. I was smiling in all of 'em. And I was still confused by that. After i finished my little photoshoot session I turned around to finish my game.

Everybody kept yelling at me for suddenly stopping but I had to, it's y/n we're talking about. they let it slide anyways, since ive always saved their asses. And 10 minutes later, the game was done. I turned off my PC, changed into more comfy clothes and organized my room a bit.

I did all that with y/n still on the line, peacefully sleeping. I took my phone and quietly climbed the bed since I didn't wanna wake her up, and just admired her face for a couple minutes, over and over again thinking how lucky I was to have such an amazing girl in my life.

"Goodnight baby" I whispered not expecting a reply in return... but I got one. She snuggled into her pillow even more.

"Goodnight Peter" her voice has never been softer, her smile has never been purer. "I love you" she surprisingly said, still sleeping, I widened my eyes my mouth opening in awe.

"I love you too" and after that I simply couldn't end the call, I kept my phone propped on the wall in my right since my bed was beside the wall,  closed my eyes and slept by the sound of my girlfriends soft breathing.

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