video games (TikTok)

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y/n films a tiktok of her trying to get peters attention while hes playing video games

pairing: peter x fem!reader

status: dating

y/n's pov

i was baking some cookies, folding the chocolate chips in the batter with a very hungry boyfriends beside me

 "pete, stop undressing the food with your eyes" i teased, he flipped me around and started tickling me "PETE- RRR- . PUT M- D-WN, NOW!" i said between laughing, i jokingly tried to kick him but he was too strong.

"OK OK FINE" he laughs as well

"why dont you make yourself useful and roll the dough" i said, gesturing my hands to the empty pan 

"ugh fiiiine" he grumbles, 10 minute later we successfully placed a decent amount of raw cookies in the oven "yayyy, now we can cuddddle" peter shouts in a kiddy voice, lifting me up again and leaves the gorgeously decorated kitchen 

"PETERRRR" i squealed, laughing when he literally flopped onto the couch, peter wasted no time to grab me by my waist and land me on his lap, i was lying on the couch's arm rest, my back against it while im still on his lap, 

"what do you wanna watch?" he plays with my hair "

"anything really- ooh wanna try watching a tv show instead?" i said my face full of excitement 

"you just said anything but then you suggest something? and you say you're not complicated" he scoffed jokingly 

"what? i just got the idea!" i replied to his offensive comment

"ok what about-" 

"sorry to interrupt you peter, but ned is calling" karen suddenly interrupted which startled the both of us 

"no problem karen" he said grabbing his phone from the coffee table, Mr Stark upgraded peters A.I not only to his suit, but to his phone as well like a few weeks ago so we're still trying to get used to karen being everywhere with us now

"hey man" peter answered 

"hey pete" 

"you're on speaker right now, by the way" peter warned 

"heyyy biiiiitch" i said in a joking tone 

"hiya biiiitch" ned replied causing us to all wheeze, inside jokes ;) "i was gonna see if you were free pete, but guess you're not right now" ned stated 

"aww sorry man, its a friday you know that" fridays were always our day, whether we'd go on a date, or just hang out, maybe mess around on HQ. everyday after school we'd hangout all day maybe even sleep at one of our places and ned knew that but i guess he forgot.

"what were you gonna ask him though?" i said feeling bad, i was never the clingy type, clingy as in i wouldnt let him hang out with his friends or maybe not let him call if he was with me, we see eachother all week and sometimes weekend  so i dont have to, and i dont like it 

"the boys decided to play video games a second ago, so i wanted to ask him if he could join" and peters eyes lit up, but obviously tried to not to show it

its been a long time since the boys have played with eachother, everyone seemed to be busy with their own thing, ned with his extra hacking classes, peter with his spider duties and the avengers and the others have been busy as well

"o-oh" peter said trying to not sound disappointed "maybe next time then" 

"no what do you mean next time? babe its been ages since you guys played!" i exclaimed 

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