Sudden change of plans 2

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"anything for you" peter replied sincerely giving her a tendered kiss on her head. y/n would've calmed down by now telling them to stop rushing to the isles until she felt it again, she could tell just by the feeling it, that her body decided to give her a heavy flow this month, thank you body. 

"i swear did my body try extra hard for preparing me for a baby or some shit?" y/n groaned followed by ned snickering at her comment. 

"and what does that mean" peter laughed, but brows still furrowed

"it means my flow this month is heavy, you know the...blood." y/n spoke bashfully, now laughing at her messy state. her walk was getting more abnormal by the second, cramps intensifying and body basically limping. for some reason all of that made her crack up, and i guess ned was too, since  everytime he looked back at them he bit back a chuckle even though it was clearly obvious by his facial expressions. "ned" y/n sighed, her mouth now suddenly running dry from her intense breathing and very tired body "you're a bitch" she rolled her eyes laughing. once peter checked that she was joking he laughed with her. 

"what did i do now??" he snorted 

"you're laughing at me you asshole this shit actually hurts, i swear when im going back home im buying the period cramp simulator and the pregnancy one for you little shits" she stated pulling away from peter grasp now suddenly feeling too much heat. "and your so fucking slow like SPEED UP, BITCH. IM BLEEDING" if peter didnt realize the mood swings then, he definitely realized them now. ned kept cracking up while y/n flipped him off every two seconds. 

"okay, calm down honey we're here" peter lightly snickered at the moody, in pain best friend of his. "what the hell?" he shook his head bewildered with how many supplies there are for such a natural thing that happens to a womans body. "there are sizes?" he took a random tampon box and scanned the readings "1 1/2 inches???" his eyes grew in horror, mouth agape

"wait, you for real?" ned only laughed thinking that his best friend was joking only to see his horrified expression to confirm he wasnt 

"yes, 1 1/2 inches stuck up my vagina now i thought you knew that ned dont you buy tampons for chloe?" y/n snached the box from them putting it back in place.

"okay wheres my fucking size- o-oh my god"  y/n kept looking for her size of pads since she preferred them more than tampons when she felt more blood coming. "holy son of odin, please dont make me leak in this super market. i dont wanna traumatize any children" she prayed eyes closed as her body rested on one of the shelves. her statement only made ned and peter panic and searched faster. 

"WHAT SIZE ARE YOU Y/N?" ned basically screamed, eyes wide in horror while peter wasnt doing any better. y/n looked at both of the boys in confusion but then amusement seeing that they actually believed what her dramatic ass said. 

"its (your size)" her voice laced in amusement but the boys couldnt pick it up since they were panicking too much.

"(your size)(your size)(your size) WHERE IS IT?" I swear to god Peter was about to jump into the highest shelf of the isle but immediately stopped when he heard sniffling, the minute he turned he saw y/n teary face. But it wasnt the reason he thought it was, no, turns out she was cry-laughing at them. 

Y/n was cackling, she was snickering, Laughing her ass off. And she blamed the mood swings for it. "You guys are so cute" she wiped a small tear still laughing, making Peter blush immensely. "I'm so grateful for you guys" both of the boys were about to yell at her for freaking them out off the 19293 time today when her smile suddenly turned into a frown. "I don't deserve you guys" she cried. Seriously cried. Like sobbing. 

Peter immediately rushed to her, wasting no time to wrap his warm arms around her, hugging her as much (but not as hard ) as he can, while ned finally found (your size) pads. 

"It's okay, hunny. You do deserve us, and you deserve even more." His soft voice echoed through her ears, she hummed softly nuzzling her head on his neck making his cheeks turn even more pink.

"Thank you guys" she pulled away from his grasp which took every inch of Peter to not whine at the sudden loss of contact. "I should've told you I'm a mess when I get my period" she shook her head, embarrassed from the whole incident causing the boys to laugh with her. 

"Don't worry, y/n. I've seen worse" Ned commented parting her shoulders. 

They finally checked out of the supermarket and went to the nearest bathroom. Y/n walked in immediately sending both of her best friends a warm smile. While the boys stood in front of the bathroom like guards waiting for her return.

"Y/n, you okay?" Peter asked, 5 minutes after she went in 

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, I got extra underwear but I didn't get any pads" she laughed. A few seconds later opening the door looking as fresh as ever. "I'm still tired, though. So I think imma call it a night, boys" she said pouting, her voice laced in disappointment. If Peter didn't catch on her tone he would've left her alone, thinking she wanted some alone time.

"Why don't we go to my place?" He suggested, eyes filled with hope. He definitely didn't want to leave y/n any time soon and Ned of course. Y/n's eyes lit up. 

"Yeah sure!" She jumped on him squealing but immediately pulling away holding onto her stomach "Forgot I was on my period for a second" y/n chuckled, making the boys chuckle with her. 

"Now let's go watch Star Wars!" Ned jumped, his eyes beaming in excitement and happiness. Yes, you were very grateful for the boys infront of you. And you certainly do not deserve them for being so patient and understanding with you, But you could definitely say you have the best best-est friends, ever. 

Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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