Playing with cars

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You and Peter were playing cars with clints kids while you were babysitting them, later that night you suddenly felt something rolling on your backside while sleeping. Turns out Peter was playing with one of the mini cars over the curve of your bum absentmindedly and when he realized he immediately got flustered. 

*based on a TikTok I've seen on my fyp a while ago* 

pairing: peter parker x stark!reader 

status: datingg 

I was laying on my boyfriends bed, my head resting on his pillow. Texting my best friend. When I heard the connected bathroom door open, revealing my one and only Peter Parker.

His hair looked curlier than usual, his fresh minty scent spread across the whole room

"Hey" at first he didn't realize I was here but when he heard me his head spun to my direction. Once we locked eyes his smile never left his lips, it's like it was glued to him.

"Hi bubba" he dropped his pair of fluffy socks and sprinted to his bed flopping beside my but slowly hovering over me to hug my waist.

"YOUR NAKED PETE" i said laughing trying to get off his grasp which only made him hold me even tighter.

"I'm wearing boxers under my towel now shut up and kiss me please" he pouted, closer to me but stopped when we were an inch apart

"I missed you" he whispered, eyes going back and forth between my eyes and my lips. He looked at me with love and adoration, admiring my every feature before connecting our lips.

It was slow, and passionate. Both of us were smiling, his hand went from hugging my hip cup my cheeks. his touch was electrifying yet very gentle, as if tiny butterflies we crawling on you spreading light kisses on your arms.

A few seconds later he pulled away, the biggest smile spread on his face. "I missed you too" my turn now admiring his gorgeous face, his brown eyes, welcoming lips, his crooked nose that I love very much but still made him self conscious, and his light freckles that were spread like little stars across his temple. I loved every part of him, every inch of him and I want to prove it to him every day if I could.

Pete hummed softly as I kissed his freckles, my favourite feature of his since it's not so visible yet so clear when you look at him so closely.

"I love it when you do that" his hushed voice was the only sound heard apart from the AC.

I hummed in response playing with his wet hair, his body shivered causing me to stop and him to groan.

"Why'd you stop" it's was like a sad puppy started talking I swear I don't know how he does it but its true.

"You're cold pete, why don't you go change then go to bed, yeah?" I tried to reason with him and thankfully obliged. Slumping to his dresser to get his grey sweats and white T-shirt.

And once again flopped on the bed. Hugging my waist loosely. I flipped so I was on my stomach "good night" I whispered my eyes slowly drifting to sleep

"Good night, baby" he replied brushing his thumb over the small exposed part of my back. i sighed in content, grateful for what life brought to me. a boyfriend, lierally every thi- 

"peter" i spoke, feeling...wheels? rolling on my back.

"hmm?" he hummed in response. i turned my head a bit to see what he was doing 

"peter baby, what are you doing?" i said lightly laughing, looking at my sleepy boyfriend playing with toy cars...on my bum. 

"playing with nathanial's car that he forgot earlier." i could tell he wasnt really paying attention since his voice was groggy and his eyes were a second away from closing. 

"yeah i can tell" i laughed "but where exactly?" i squinted my eyes jokingly but he couldnt see me since i was above him a little. but peter looked up at me brows furrowed in confusion.

"what do you mean? im playing cars on your- uh shit" he sat up straight, cheeks immediately turning pink, and eyes widening in realization. "oh uhm s-sorry. i-i didnt mean to, i was just absentmindedly playing, i didnt realize it was on your b-butt, i never want to make you feel uncomfortable i swear it was just an accide-" the poor boy was nervously rambling, thinking i'd leave him for what he did, which was obviously far from the truth. 

"no no dont be sorry" i cut him off. "i liked it, it was soothing" i smiled at him reassuringly. he looked at me in disbelief. he thought i'd think he was weird, or i'd get uncomfortable. so what i said definitely shocked him but that didnt stop a small smile forming on his lips. 

"w-what?" he shuffled closer to me 

"i liked it, you dont have to be sorry" i said it again, nodding in confirmation. 

"oh" oh? i laughed at his shyness "what now?" he laughed with me

"you're so cute, parker" i grabbed him by his shirt so we could lie down again, only making him blush even more. o felt his hnd brush my lower back but he immediately pulled away.

"can i?" i felt his breath on my neck, voice barely a whisper sending goosebumps all over my skin from how close he was. 

"yes" even after what i told him, he was still hesitant. so i took his hand and placed it on my lower back. "you can touch me, peter. good night" i kissed his shoulder and closed my eyes sleeping for real this time. my words made him smile again. he shifted a little to get comfortable and finally gave his body rest. 

"good night, love"

hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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