Dancing Trees

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y/n was exhausted from spending the whole day at the beach, so peter comforts her on the ride back home 

pairing: peter parker x fem!reader 

status: datinggg

y/n was watching the trees dancing with the wind as the birds chirped, hiding between the huge lush green leaves, when she felt a small pat on her right thigh. she turned around to be met by her boyfriend, Peter Parker.

When their eyes locked his gentle smile turned into a goofy grin, His hazel brown eyes admiring her every feature. 

y/n couldn't say she was doing any better, she was shamelessly admiring him as well, his slightly tanned skin (from going to the beach all the time) was glowing from the hot rays above, same with his curly, brown, mane that has grown out over the past few months making his hair even curlier than before. his gaze softened even more after seeing how tired she was from their 8th trip to the beach in two weeks!

He patted his lap a gentle smile tugging his lips. "C'mere" he said, voice barely a whisper. y/n couldn't hide the fact that she felt giddy at the gesture. She silently unbuckled her seatbelt, not wanting to interrupt ned and mj's very serious debate about where to eat. And she slowly crawled up to his lap when a road bump made her slip.

"Careful!" peter held her waist securely, eyes widening with concern "MJ" he hissed grabbing her quickly to sit on his lap when another bump came in "Are you trying to kill my girlfriend?"

"It's not my fault your girlfriend, which IS my best friend by the way, did not buckle her seatbelt!" she scoffed "but in all seriousness y/n/n, don't do that, you dumbass" as ned snickered by her passive aggressive comment. peter squinted his eyes, but immediately smiled once he locked eyes with his girlfriend again, littering her face with kisses as a 'hello' making her  scrunch her nose. 

"hey" she laughed pushing him away to look at him clearly

"hi" he whispered back, leaning up to kiss her, for real this time. but it didn't last very long since another road bump came in, making her jump a little. he wrapped his arms gently around her head protectively like a mother protecting her child, giving mj the second glare of the day.

"oh piss off, it wasn't on purpose" mj rolled her eyes, aaand the bickering started once again. at this point ned couldn't handle it, already tired from his bickering with the stubborn girl that happened a few minutes ago. So he took his phone out and sent a text to y/n 

nedss 🤓: i know for a fact that these two wont stop any time soon. sooo delmars? 

y/n smiled at the text, thinking of the times where they used to eat and talk about literally anything all the time. he was a really good listener and his topics were always interesting.

y/n/n 😆: always

once ned somehow stopped the argument, peter tightened his grip around his y/n's waist, nuzzling his head into her neck to smell the refreshing aroma of ocean water. 

"today was nice" he kissed her neck 

"yeah, it really was" y/n brushed her fingers with his. peter sighed deeply from exhaustion 

"i love you" he muttered, too lazy to lift his lips from her neck 

"i love you too-" and another bump came in. this time, all of them glared at the so called 'good driver'


have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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