"what if you stay the night?"

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Where you stayed a liiiittle later than usual at your boyfriends place and now you can't go back home...

Pairing: Peter Parker x reader

Status: the "shy dating phase"

Warning: ⚠️ stranger things season 3 spoilers ahead! ⚠️

Y/n's POV

"WHAT?!" Peter and I both said in unison, our eyes were like saucers, shocked and heart broken, snuggled up together in one blanket silently drying each others tears.

"HOPPERS DEAD?" I was on the verge of sobbing my eyes out until may busted out of her room to the living room.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" her eyes wide in fear, chest heaving from the sudden running as she scanned the room trying to see if there's anything visibly wrong.

"H-HOPPERS DEAD" I stuttered, taking the 26th tissue of the day to dry my eyes. Peter paused the episode since it looked like there was more to it, silently sniffling so he doesn't draw any attention.

"You guys scared the crap out of me! oh my god" She rubbed her forehead in frustration "DONT do that again" her voice was stern but her face softened once she saw how I tried to comfort Peter after he saw his favorite character just died "oh you guys" she walked up, bent down since we were sitting on the couch and hugged us tightly.

"We're sorry, may" we both whispered savoring this unexpected hug

"It's okay, how are you guys holding up?" She asked, slowly drying our tears with her thumbs

"I-I'll manage, it just caught me off guard" I nervously laughed not really happy that I cried infront of my boyfriends aunt coz of a show. A stupid yet heartbreaking show!

"I mean, hop was my favorite character a-and you know why so it kinda hurts" Peter sniffled calming himself down, I knew hopper was peters favorite character but he never told me why, I guess he told may since she nodded her head understanding what he meant, hugging us once more.

"Well, I'll be in my room if you need me" she stood up "oh and since you guys look like miserable soaked puppies, I'll allow you guys to watch one more movie" Our heads perked up smiles daring to leave our faces any minute now.

"UNDER ONE CONDITION" she held her index finger infront of us "it has to be a funny, happy movie, I'm not sure you guys can handle anymore angst" she laughed shaking her head walking to her bedroom.

"Thanks may" Peter shouted

"Yes! Thank you!" I said frantically taking the remote trying to get this miserable yet memorable episode over with.

"Well that was an emotional rollercoaster" Peter laughed, drying my tears after he dried his. his hands were soft and delicate, face scrunched up in concentration not wanting to hurt my puffy red eyes.

"Damn right" I said kissing his red cheeks "I don't think I've ever seen you cry before" I giggled as he hid his head on the crook of my neck groaning in embarrassment.

"Let's not talk about this, for like...ever"he spoke resting his head on my lap looking at the tv to find something quote on quote 'funny and happy'

"Yeah I'm never letting this go" I joked which made him groan even louder

"Baaaaaaabeee" he whined.

"I'm joking I'm joking" I kissed his forehead

"Okay so anything in mind?" He finally spoke after a few minutes of scrolling through Netflix

"No" not really paying attention since I was too busy playing with his hair, it seemed extra fluffy today, can you blame me? "Wait-" I remembered

"What?" He looked up

𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now