skin care routine

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peter catches y/n do her skin care routine and gets curious..

warning: language 

pairing: peter x fem!reader 

status: dating 

Peter's POV

I was finishing up my daily night patrol on my way to my girlfriends house, I texted her a couple times but she never answered, I got worried coz she always replies to my texts so I facetimed her and she the shower. 

*connecting to y/n/n <3 *

"hey babe you ok- wait are you in the shower?" I ask sheepishly, I couldn't see her only the ceiling and part of the shower curtain, the hot steam coming out of the shower fogged up the mirror a little. 

"y-yeah" she nervously giggled "sorry if this is awkward, i just didn't want you to get worried" she says 

"oh no no its not awkward, *laughs* i just wanted to know if you were ok coz you didn't answer me" I explain, feeling giddy inside that she's comfortable with facetiming me while showering, I know it's weird but this is definitely a step up. 

"you coming today?" she asks, hopeful 

"how can I not pass by my girl's place before going to bed?" I say in a 'duh' tone 

"aww that's sweet" she mumbles. "uhh since you're here now, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to stay over tonight? today's friday and I wanted to watch movies and just spend time with you....if- you don't mind" she says nervously, I never slept the night at her place yet, but I really want to so I obviously agreed. 

 "yeah yeah sure! ill uh text may right now, see you in 5" I say 

"byeeee" she says in a cheerful tone 

"bye" I laugh 


I texted may about staying at y/n's tonight and she agreed, she just said to use protection and I think she misunderstood what 'spending the night at y/n's meant'. 

anyways, I knocked on her window, waiting for her to open up but she didn't, I waited a couple more minutes but she still didn't answer. I tried opening the window and it worked! 

"I gotta tell her to lock the window" I mentally note, "y/nnn?!?!" I shout her name out but not too loudly so I don't disturb the whole house. 

"bathroom!" she replies, is she still showering? I go to her mini  En suite, knocking before I go in, just in case. 

"come in peter, all clear" she laughs, and I laugh too, when I entered I saw her in her white robe, the belt wrapping her waist and her white towel wrapped around her head, she really is beautiful. 

"hey babe!" she says cheery, giving me a loose hug so she wouldn't dampen my suit. 

"what are you doing?" i ask her, seeing her getting products out of her cabinets and drawers

"I was gonna start my skincare routine" she says shrugging. 

"routine?" I ask her curiously. 

"yeah, there are a couple steps, wanna do it with me? you look intrigued" she says smirking. To be honest I was curious so I agreed, she told me to go shower first so I can get out of my dirty suit. while I was showering she was getting her products out and got a robe for me to 'get in the mood'. 

"babe I'm done!" I tell her. 

"ok, I got you your robe!" she informs me and leaves the bathroom.

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