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Y/n is a waitress and The avengers kept teasing Peter on how he has a small crush on the waitress..

Pairing: Peter x fem!reader

Status: strangersss

Y/n's POV

I was serving a couple of tables at the Italian restaurant I've been working in as my summer job when my boss called me and pointed at table number 12, which was a sign for me to serve that table for the rest of the night

"Hello what can I get for yo-" I was getting my pen and pad out and look up at my new customers to find the cutest guy I've seen in my whole 15 years of existence "uh I *cleare throat* sort uh, I'm y/n your server for the day, what can I get for you guys" still keeping eye contact with the boy, he had this beautiful big brown eyes that crinkle everytime he smiled I can tell coz he was smiling at me, eeeeeeek

"oh I know, I know it's Tony stark but please treat me like a normal custome- hello" a man snapped his fingers infront of my face trying to get my attention

"oh sorry, oh your Tony stark? What can I get for you" I just realized that THE Tony stark was standing infront of me trying to order, I finally looked at the rest and...basically the whole avengers are here, how the fuck didn't I notice before? Thor and Clint looked at the cute brown haired boy and Natasha looked at me smirking

"yeah I don't think she was stunned by you, tones" Steve commented smirking at the menu I blushed a fairly good amount to show up them how embarrassed I was they were all snickering enjoying the show while cutie boy over here was as red as me, Tony looked offended on how I didn't fangirl over him causing me to laugh at his pouty face

"that's weird...a lot of girls call me a dilf" Tony shrugged I looked at him mouth wide open, shocked

"mr starkkk" cutie boy hissed

"oh sorry, I'm embarrassing you infront of your girlfriend" he waved his hand looking at the menu

"she not my girlfriend we haven't even talked yet" he whispered but I could hear him, I uninterntionslly let out a laugh and he his face just burned even more

"are you ok hun? You seem a bit red" nat says smiling at the boy

"let's just order" he sinks into the chair crosses his arms

"cute" whispered but thankfully no one heard me....I think no odd heard me, i walked to the right side of the table to take orders from Thor, nat, Steve, and Wanda. Thor ordered like 3 plates of pasta and 2 extra large pizzas with 5 pints of beer, and he says he may drink more

I was so surprised by his order, normally I wouldn't care coz people can eat whatever they want but then I remembered he's a demigod so that explains it, i turned to the other side of the table where Clint, Dr Banner, Tony, cutie boy, rhodey and Bucky were sitting, I realized not all the avengers were here but I was still excited I got to serve them

i wrote down all their orders except Cutie boy and Tony "so what can i get for you cutie boy" i said absentmindedly than froze, did I seriously blurt out my secret nickname for the guy, everybody snickered and some said 'ooooh's and 'aww's at this point I wanted to die "sorry" i squeaked out "i-i just don't know you're name and cutie boy kinda suits you" i mentally facepalm begging myself to stop talking

"n-no it's fine..i uh i like it" his voice sounds much smoother than I thought it'd be, yes I heard him whisper to Tony before but this is the first time he's talking to me "i-I'm Peter...by the way"

"nice to meet you Pete" i winked at him "now, what can i get for you" he looked at the menu puzzled still haven't figured it out yet he chuckled "need any help" i said trying to be as friendly as I could and he gratefully nodded i walked to his direction and leaned down to his height since he's sitting down "what's troubling you" i could smell his sweet cologne from here, somehow his hair looks softer and lighter up close I could just imagine running my hair through them and snuggli-

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