head and shoulders boy

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Dedicated to the actual head and shoulders boy I've made eye contact with in the shampoo isle and nope we ddnt talk, he just looked at me for 5 seconds then looked back at his head and shoulders shampoo 👍 (can u feel my pain?)


You stumbled upon a confused boy who read the name of a shampoo brand incorrectly.

Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader

Status: strangers to friends (friends into loversss then strangers agaiIiiIIiIn, sry ignore this, it has nothing to do with the fic. I just remembered that TikTok song lmao BACK TO READING-)

disclaimer: the story's placed in the middle of the pandemic

"Cherry tomatoes, check. Tangerines, check. Chocolate chips, check. Matcha tea, check." Y/n listed off her fairly large list of food items as she was subconsciously walking with her trolly.

"Oh shoot the shampoo!" She remembered. Checking her list one last time and occasionally looking through the isles.

"Oooh cookies" of course, she gets distracted, again.

"Aunt May, why can't we just get frozen pizza and get it over with?" Peter whined, not really digging the cooking at home food. Mainly coz may only knows how to perfect one dish, and he got a little tired of it.

"Peter, how many times do I have to tell you, we cannot always eat frozen foods it's not healthy" May reminded him

"But what about orderi- never mind" he grumbled remembering that they're in a middle of a pandemic and they couldn't just order anytime they wanted to, they even had specific days for people to go shopping.

"Mhmm" she agreed, knowing what he was gonna say.

"Wait, May what is this?" Peters asked only now noticing the new item his aunt picked out.

"Oh, these are capers" she replied "they're pickled flower buds" may explained putting back in the trolly

"whAT??" Peters voice was horrified and in utter disgust. 

"It's used for the chicken piccata! Remember? The pasta you used to loVE when you were younger" may tried to reason with him but she knew once Peter was grumpy, he'd be grumpy for the rest of the trip. Unless you gave him apple juice.

She also knew her nephew was tired, online schooling has been messing both of them up. Peters been getting even more headaches now due to the enormous amount of screen time, and his heightened senses didn't do him justice. And now may had to work online as well or maybe get extra work hours due to the loss of staff. So she knew she couldn't judge him right now nor scold at him for this behaviour

"Peter honey, why don't you go get the toiletries?" She asked kindly.

"Okay" his voice was quiet, exhausted and thinly laced in regret. He didn't want to snap at may like that, or whine his ass off but exhaustion took over. "Sorry for shouting" he whispered, his head hung low as he walked away.

"It's okay sweetie" 

after a few minutes he found the isle, with a girl examining the shelves. he didn't think much of it and carried on with his mission. 

"Okay, what do I need? shampoo aaand oh that body wash" Peter remembered, getting his items and putting it in a small basket he found on the way here. His phone buzzed alerting him that he has a text, but it was a different kind of buzz. It was the buzz he specifically put for his aunt so in case there's any emergency or something she wanted from him, he'd know.

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