She used to be mine

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Based off of the song 'used to be mine'

*i saw this Peter Parker POV on TikTok and decided to make an imagine off of it :) so thank you @tom_.hollands.wifeyyxx (the creator on TikTok)!!*

Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader

Status: Ex-lovers

Warning: fighting

*also in this imagine, y/n has a lot of preferences that may not be in your liking so just keep that in mind, enjoy!*

"Guys, y/n's birthday is coming up. And I don't know what to get her?" Brad spoke after sipping his black coffee, his statement suddenly catching peters attention from his homework. The group today decided to have a little hangout at this local cafe, one of mj's favorite spots.

And by the group I mean, Mj, Ned, Peter, Betty, brad, and flash somehow managed to come as well. The only one missing, which Peter realized immediately, was y/n. She said she'd come a little later than usual since her family needed her for something.

"What?" Peter blurted out, a little too quickly. Everybody's heads spun to his direction, confused to why he was acting so weird. It wasn't the first time Peter has been a little sus when brad mentioned his new girlfriend, y/n. The poor boy would stiffen just by her name rolling off brads tongue so adoringly and- and, and literally any possible tone he could use to show how much he loved her since he was the one who had her.

"Uh yeah sorry, just uh, forgot it was soon" Peter chuckled nervously. of course he didn't forget, what kind of idiot would he be if he did? But he shrugged it off nonetheless, immediately going back to his algebra homework. A few minutes of awkward silence later, Betty decided to break the tension.

"So what are you gonna get her?!" Betty eyes Beamed in excitement. .Betty and mj were y/n's ultimate best friends, so of course they'd have to approve of what brads so called 'best gift ever' would be, you can say both girls get a bit overly protective of her. But y/n wouldn't trade it for the world.

"I was thinking, flowers and-"

"Don't get her a hibiscus. she hates their smell, man" Peter interrupted brad, chuckling slightly at the memory as he was writing his answers.

"O-okay Uhh well i was also gonna ask my mom to make strawberry cheesecake-"

"Dude are you crazy? She's allergic to strawberries!" Peter visibly huffed, shocked on how brad didn't know these stuff about her already.

"Okay then, we'll make vanilla cupcakes-"

"Hates vanilla" Peter quipped, rolling his eyes as he finished his last question in his worksheet


"Too basic-"

"So what do you think I should give her, Parker?" brad was irritated. Not being right, or not thinking of the perfect gift for y/n made him boil in anger. How could the loser of the school know more about his girlfriend than he did?.

"Make brownies, she likes to be dfferent. You all know how y/n is" somehow Peter managed to laugh again, just thinking about all the times they've burned the brownies until they made the perfect batch and obviously celebrating by eating the whole thing in one night made a smile light up his lightly freckled face, and forget all about the urge to web brad up and throw him into Mars.

But this time everyone laughed with him instead of watching the banter between the,, each of them remembering a certain memory of how y/n is always determined to be different than everyone else, how she wants to think creatively all the time and not bother copying whatever she was doing from someone since she liked the feeling of achievement and productivity.

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