meeting and screaming

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Peter, Ned and mj went to 6 flags on their summer vacation and met a certain someone..

pairing: peter x fem!reader

status: strangers

Peters POV

"Do we HAVE to go to THAT roller coaster?! My spidey senses will literally explode!!" I whined to my two best friends, "yes Peter, you HAVE to come! It's gonna be awesome!" Ned replied enthusiastically.

"The nerds right Parker, this one is definitely a must" mj agreed with Ned.

"Ugh fine! But if I get a major headache, it's because of you two idiots" I said pointing at my best friends

I was waiting in the line, looking at the rides, smelling every food stall because of my intense spidey sense, listening to the joyful screaming..well not all are joyful, and I gotta admit roller coasters are pretty scary, while I was looking through the park I heard a cute laugh from the line I was at, I looked through the line trying to find the person who laughed.

My eyes were searching until it was locked with the girl I heard laughing, we made eye contact and I couldn't help but notice the small blush she had in her gorgeous face, she had medium length y/h/c hair and beautiful y/e/c eyes.

She was wearing a black nasa t-shirt, Jean shorts, and a red plaid shirt is tied around her waist, her hair was in a messy ponytail, probably messy because of the rides she tried.

"Hey pete- Pete!....PETER" Ned exclaimed trying to get my attention, I removed my gaze from the mysterious girl and turned to Ned

"DUDE! what?!" I asked Ned,

"who were you looking at Parker?" Mj suddenly interrupts my complaining,

"yeah who is it?" Ned buts in looking through the line until meeting the girl,

"ahhhh I see now" Ned smirked.

"oh shit" I whispered face palming,

"not bad Parker, not bad" mj comments while checking out the y/s/c skinned girl.

"Guys stop, oh my god" I say completely embarrassed.

Our turns is almost here, the girl which I found out her name was y/n from her friends i think, screaming because of some random joke, was in front of us so they sat on their seats.

I was secretly hoping she would have an empty seat next to her so I could sit, little did I know Ned and mj were secretly planning on that.

our turn was up and it was my turn to sit next to Ned, but suddenly mj blocks me and sits next to him, I give her a confused look but then she eyes the seat in front of us, I shrugged and sat there not knowing who sat there.

It was y/n's friend...I was close I guess? Ned and mj seemed bummed as well,

"oh so ur the boy y/n's been staring at for like 20 mins?!" Y/n's friend said.

"uhh yeah...I guess thats me" I said fully flustered, oh my god her friend knows me, did she talk about me? Ok Peter stop it. she laughed then suddenly took her phone out before putting it to the shelf with her bags and left. Well that was weird,


While I was waiting for a rollercoaster I've been DYING to go to, I saw a cute brown haired boy, I kept staring at him and I couldn't stop but I'd have to when he catches me, anyways I'm sitting next to my little brother on the ride when I suddenly get a text from my BFF who was..behind me I think.

BFF: U gotta switch like rn! Trust me

Y/n: huh?

Y/n: Ok fine but quick tho

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