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requested: Enemies to lovers with Peter x stark!reader. They have always hated each other, for no reason at all, but there is so much tension. It gets too much and they have an angry hate make out session.

pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader 

status: enemies to lovers 

w.c: 4.6k 

disclaimer: angst to fluff, name calling, a lil suggestive in the end. I DID NOT PROOFREAD.


"so, your place tonight?" ned asked as he texted mj the details. 

"hopefully," peter spoke "i mean if my boss decided to not let me suffer for once, then yes." he sighed, thinking about the countless arguments he had just to get a day off, ON A WEEKEND. a few seconds later, his phone started ringing. "oh, speaking of the devil" he excused himself, walking somewhere a little quieter than the bustling school halls and pressed on accept, wishing for the best. 


Peter: what do you want, Stark?

peter tutted frustratingly, his foot tapping the floor harshly as he was ready to get this over with. but his agonizing thoughts about what's yet to come got interrupted by the woman's voice on the other line.

Y/n: why did you take so long to pick up? it could've been a real emergency, you know?

her voice was dripping with venom, hatred, annoyance, that he couldn't help himself but fuel the fire even further. 

Peter: well, it doesn't sound like an emergency now, does it? 

Y/n: how would you know- 

: stop arguing, kids. it's 10 in the goddamn morning for heavens sake.

peter heard steve say. i mean, it was a new record. usually, the arguments would start at least at midday. Peter was about to lose his patience. he had class in 2 minutes and he certainly does not want to be late just because his self-centered boss wants to torture him all week. 

Peter: *sighs* can you please get to the point? i've got class. 

Y/n: glad you're being rational for once. 

peter could sense her organizing the spreadsheets and papers that were dying to be in his arms after a few hours. he knew his plans that he made with his friends would all come crushing down in a matter of minutes. and he knew that the bell would ring any second now.

Y/n: i need you to come by after school. 

yupp, there it is. 

peter silently cursed under his breath and forced himself to not hit the locker beside him with full force. 

Peter: and why is that?

Y/n: because dad says so...annd because you have to finish the spreadsheets i gave you last week...that was due three days ago. 

Peter: Y/n, i told you i will finish the-

Y/n: no more excuses, spider-boy. see you in the Avengers Compound 

Peter: but y/n- 

Y/n: buh bye 


"ogkrifjitnneksdoojitinbnkf" while peter was spilling out incoherent words the bell suddenly rung through the halls, so he had to let off some steam another time. as he walked to his class he sent an apologetic text in the groupchat saying he isn't free anymore. 

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