field trip to stark tower

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where peters gets nervous to finally prove everyone wrong and that he does work for the famous Tony stark 

pairing: peter x Avenger!reader 

status: dating 

background story: you're a famous superhero, you can choose whatever super power you want I wont write it in details so enjoy :) 

y/s/h/n= your superhero name 

Peter's POV

today I have a school field trip to go to, and guess where? yup the stark tower, I'm pretty nervous coz I know for sure that the avengers will try to embarrass me, well maybe not y/n which is another problem, I never told anyone I was dating y/s/h/n! but it would be nice to prove to everyone that I do work here. 

"so is everyone in their assigned seats?" Mr Harrington asked everybody nodded. 

"cant wait to see Tony Stark, huh peter? your boss?" flash mocks 

"ignore him, now you can prove everyone wrong, wait are you still dating y/n?" ned said clearly excited 

"w-why would I break up with y/n/n?? of course I'm still dating her!" I said maybe louder than I expected. 

"oh so peter is dating someone as well?" and to my surprise flash heard us. 

"well, shit" I mentally facepalmed and sunk in my seat. 

"no please peter, care to tell us who your secret girlfriend is?" 

"none of your business flash" I state clearly annoyed 

"so you don't have a girlfriend" I just ignored his and started texting y/n to calm down a bit 

"he does!" ned buts in I told him to not engage its fine so ned sat back in his seat, I was texting y/n, she always knows how to cheer me up, she sent a puppy meme which made me laugh a bit.

"ok guys, we're here!" Mr. Harrington announced. 

"we all stepped out of the bus and a lot of people started whispering about how cool the place looks, I've been here a lot and I'm still mesmerized by it, ned was fully on fangirling which was fun to watch. 

"welcome everyone! I'm pepper pots and I'll be showing you guys around" pepper said giving me a little wave which didn't go unnoticed by my classmates and now they're all whispering about it, great now I'm the centre of attention.

but I still waved back I couldn't just ignore her like that, when we first walked in, F.R.I.D.A.Y introduced herself and everyone was freaking out about that, pepper escorted us from the lobby to the main living room to wait for Mr Stark. 

y/ns POV  

I just finished training and showering so I decided to go eat something downstairs, I put on my airpods and played a playlist, I don't like it when its too quiet, the avengers were all busy doing whatever but I think they're coming back soon for something, I don't know I forgot.

'till forever falls apart' played and I started singing and dancing in the hall way to the kitchen/living room (its an open kitchen so you can see the living room) I didn't know there were like 15 students and a teacher there coz I was so occupied by the song and my hungry stomach.

so without looking at my surrounding I opened the huge fridge, mainly stored with Thor's beer and Wanda's fresh ingredients, and sadly I found nothing, not even take out. 

"hey F.R.I.D.A.Y? can you call Delmar's and our ask for my order?" 

"of course miss y/n" 

"oh and can you call peter, I wanna ask him if he wants Delmar's too, actually he always wants Delmar's so can your place his order too?" 

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