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weekend mornings with peter and the avengers 

pairing: peter x fem!reader 

status: dating 

y/n's pov 

i'm slowly starting to wake up, feeling two strong arms wrapped around me, the fresh cologne and ruffled hair touching my cheeks and forehead

i opened my eyes to a still very sleepy boyfriend, his face looked tired, probably from the exam we had to study for yesterday and the movie night with the avengers

speaking of the avengers i realized i wasn't in my room nor his, so i scanned the room a bit until i saw the Avengers symbol, so we slept over huh? i sighed in relief and tried to think of a way to leave the bedroom without waking up my very sleepy boyfriend

now due to his spidey senses the boy can know if i just moved an inch away from him, even when he's sleeping so trying to go to the bathroom here is a little difficult, but i didnt mind it though, i like when he senses that im leaving so he tightens his grip around me telling me five more minutes which leads to ten, then fifteen, then twenty

but i really needed to go to the toilet so i said just screw it and im gonna make a run for it, and i did. I quickly unhooked his grip on my waist, shifting my legs to the end of the bed to run

but when I did I saw a glimpse of waking up, so I squealed while running to the unsuite bathroom, I heard shifting behind me which only made me sprint faster but I couldn't coz I needed to toilet so bad 😂 but then I felt something sticky in my arms, turns out Peter clicked his web shooter and turned me around

"Where do you think you're going" he said in a playful tone, he probably thought I was just messing with him but I guess it was clear that I needed to go because he tilted his head when he saw my squeezing my thighs together

"I just need to go to the bathroom Pete!" I ushered, I turned around to find the small dagger he has for testing his webs out to cut in his desk so cut the one in my arm

"I'll be back in a few!" I shouted, closing the door frantically and doing my business. When I finished, cleaning and washing I checked my self in the mirror, I took this as an opportunity to clean my face and brush my teeth make my hair look...presentable and left. When I opened the door I immediately got webbed again, Peter yanked my back to the bed and cuddled me again

"You took longer than 'a few'" he mumbled in my neck

"That's because I decided to brush my teeth and make me look presentable for you" I shrugged, but he immediately looked up at me

"You brushed your teeth? Now I'm the only one with morning breath here, and what are you talking about looking presentable you look gorgeous no matter what, and I like when you don't care about your looks infront of me, it means your comfortable so you don't have to do anything babe" he says getting up from the bed to go brush his teeth, I laughed at how thoughtful and sweet he was 

"thank you biiiiitch" I said jokingly waiting for his response 

 "you're welcome biiiiitch" he joked back in his Californian girl accent, which sent me to laughing fits ugh that was so funny, this was an ongoing joke between us.

when Peter and I first met at midtown I told him how sad I was that I couldn't find a best friend here so he said that he could introduce me to mj and I was over the moon, now she is my best friend but not just that, he said I could treat him like a girl best friend whatever I wanted or needed I could come to him which was very sweet of him and since than, Peter and I have been acting like the bestest friends there was

and before we started dating we called eachother "bitch 1 🥵👀" for Peter and "bitch 2 👅🌸" for me...and we still do 😂 that's what I like about Peter and i's relationship we act like we're still best friends except we're in love and don't you think I forgot about mj she is "Bestie 🥵😳💃" after Peter brushed his hair and teeth he barged into the room and flipped on the bed. 

"Teeth brushed, so you don't have any excus-" he cut himself off by kissing me, we continued on kissing until we heard a knock on the door 

"good morning lovebirds, please tell me you guys still have clothes on" tony said while closing his eyes sit a hand and holding a tray with another, but nat just came in without closing her eyes 

"d-don't worry Mr stark we do" Peter laughs nervously, tony opened his eyes grateful but widened them "you don't have a shirt on!" He pointed at Peter. 

"but I do have pants on and y/n's wearing shorts and a t-shirt" he said, tony sighed in relief and looked at nat 

"and why didn't you close your eyes when we first came in" he stated 

"because it's y/n, we change infront of eachother, that's what girls do but I would've turned around if Peter was naked" she spat back like he was dumb to even ask 

"guys it's ok, nothing happened" i reassured and tried to stop this awkward conversation

"oh by the way Pete, you gotta a lucky one, I've seen things you still didn't and let me tell ya" she winked at him which made him and I fully blush 


"WHAT?! You should be happy an avenger complimented your body!" She quipped back

 "anyways! *clears throat* breakfast is ready I just came here with the tray to show you what it is I'm not letting you eat on my very expensive silk duvet now get your asses moving and go to the kitchen everyone's eating" he trailed off walking back to the kitchen, tony was always like this when I got to know them, annoying but funny 

"seriously, he came here with a tray full of FOOD and didn't give us any just because doesn't want us to eat in 'expensive' duvet? My ass" I rolled my eyes laughing 

"but he's smart coz he got our attention, race ya to the kitchen" Peter scrambled to the kitchen stopping at the doorway and looked at me "you look gorgeous today babe, oh and don't call your boyfriend a bitch.....bitch" and he scurried off, see? This is why I love spending time with this nerd 

"OH YOURE GONNA GET IT"I shouted running to the kitchen 

"OH PETERS GETTING IT HUH? RIP THAT PUSSY AYYYYY" sam shouted from his room 

"SHUT UP SAMANTHA" yup and that's a normal morning when you spend the night at the avengers compound with your boyfriend 


have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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