The Unexpected Trip To Disney world part 1

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DISNEY WORLD the place where magic is everywhere you look, happy smiles plastered on everyones faces, except peter parker. hes been feeling extremely stressed since he has to maintain good grades and save the people in need, even thoough hes still 17. so the avengers planned a little getaway, for peters' sake. and he met a certain someone that made him genuinely smile for the first time in over a month :)

pairing: peter parker x fem!reader 

status: strangerzz 

warning: sorry guys but we got a sad peter over here that breaks my heart so beware (i was listening to a slowed version of arcade and i almost sobbed my eyes out, def do not recommend 😂😭)  also this will be a mini series :) enjoy!

peter's POV 

"HEY KID, COME DOWN HERE" i heard an angry Mr Stark calling me from downstairs. what did i do now? my head was ringing from the sudden loud voice, even though he was a floor below me. my hands rubbed my temples frustratingly, a tear was daring to escape my eyes once more. dont peter, you just stopped crying a minute ago.

my head was drowned in worksheets, notes, and unfinished projects that were literally scattered everywhere. i was a mess. i kept mentally kicking myself for letting myself sleep that extra hour, if i didnt  i wouldve finished by now.

i quickly went to my connected bathroom, washing my face trying to make my red puffy face, well, less puffy. but i just couldnt stop, i couldnt stop crying. i buried my face in the towel that was supposed to dry my face but the tears couldnt stop spilling. 

my head was hurting from how hard i was crying for like the 8th time today. i told myself i just need to finish these projects and worksheets then id be done. exams arent till after the break i have 3 whole weeks for it. 

after trying to make my self look like i have not been crying from stupid homework, chores, work, and literally every possible wrong thing thats happening in my life. i went downstairs, on the way to the living room, i closed my eyes and sighed deeply to calm myself down.

"yeah w-whats up?" goddammit peter. stop stuttering, you seriously cant do anything right. these thoughts, those fucking thoughts were about to make me lose it then and there. but then Mr Stark spoke, his eyes squinting at me. 

"well we were about to play monopoly and thor promised that he wont break the board this time- are you okay?" i looked up up eyes wide open, shit .

"yeah yeah im fine" i hesitantly smiled. i couldnt do it at first but before anyone would notice clint walked in with the monopoly. 

"oookaaay? well which one are you choosing this time? the dog like usual" steve asked setting up with game with clint since hes a perfectionist and loves everything to be organized. i cant play right now. i could barely act happy for two seconds without breaking again.

"oh uh sorry guys" i gulped, scratching the back of my neck "i-i cant play right now, uhm i got homework that i wanna f-finish before spring break- bye" i quickly excused myself and sprinted to the kitchen to get my 7th cup of coffee of the day. 

general POV 

everyone looked at the now empty hallway where peter suspiciously backed out of game night, he was never like this. he would usually ditch his homework for game night and we all know he NEVER ditches homework. 

wanda looked at tony, her heart breaking from what she saw. the once smiley bubbly peter, looked miserable and exhausted. the dark circles that were ghosting over his circles werent the only thing that gave it away. his bruised face was poorly covered with makeup from either his aunt or wanda and nat. tony looked back tilting his head in confusion

"tony" wanda said her voice serious 

"yeah i know" he replied knowing how peter was different just by his body language. usually his smile would light up the whole room, not everyone might admit it but everyone knows it. they love the amount of positivity peter radiates just by his small kind gestures he does everyday.

either its by helping bruce with his projects, sometimes making him take a break and giving him a cup of coffee, or volunteering to help nat with her training, even though he knows sparring nat will hurt like hell but he'd always make his "i have super healing" excuse. 

sam may not admit it but peter helps him with his running exercises to help him win over steve since he's a kid and has 'more energy', sam never really won but he definitely got better at running. he'd help wanda with new recipes every saturday night, and even though hes a mess at the kitchen the dinner was always delicious, he definitely developed some culinary skills from her and vision. 

hes the one who'd buy thor different flavors of poptarts and 100 more snacks (by tonys credit card of course) and he did so much more for the team. he helps everyone as much as he can and now all the avengers feel like they need to help him. they never understood how much they had a soft spot for the kid, all of them. until now. 

"no you dont, tony" she spat, her blood boiling from all them, still not realizing how much pressure peter has and also put on him. "he's..hurting" tearing up. obviously wanda read his mind it was like it was begging for her to know what happening in the poor kids tired brain. she sensed everything. 

not just from school stress and the childish bullying, but turns out, he was thinking about his uncle, his mom, his dad. everyone that left him. his spider duties, his messy rotting room, how he made may mad at him for shutting her out, he was beyond hurt and she felt all of it, and it made her tear up, he never takes breaks and blames everything on himself. she couldnt help but hear the quiet sobs coming from his room as well. 

after wanda told them everything, they were all shocked, heartbroken. thor never looked this sad, his eyes were droopy he held on his new box of the special edition poptarts peter bought him this morning extra hard. even though the kid was hurting he never broke any of the gestures he does daily. 

tony stood up, he cant help but feel the guilt that part of why peters miserable is because of him, and hes kicking himself for not realizing sooner.  

"i have a plan"

this was hard to write, i try to stay away from angsty imagines sine i dont like peter angry or mad but i though of this, this morning and decided to try it out. 

have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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