⚠️Suicide Warning!️⚠️
Kokichi PoV:My mind was beginning to draw blanks on me.
One second im standing on a chair,the other second,im sitting on a bench outside.I was lazily swinging my feet since I was too short for my feet to touch the ground.
For some reason...I couldnt remember anything that day,except for right now.I couldnt remember what I did after I woke up,who I talked to,nothing at all.
I didnt even remember how I got to this bench.
It was really weird.I then notices Tenko and Himiko walk past the bench I was on.
The looked really confused and sad.
Cant blame them,Kaede was just executed....atleast...thats what I last remember.I felt really bad.Afew days after Kaede's execution...is where I drew my blank.
I couldnt remember a thing.
I just remembered standing on a chair.Her execution,afew days of despair,a chair then sitting on a bench.
A huge blank in the middle of my memory.
I decided to talk to Tenko and Himiko to see if I can annoy them so they can stop being sad.
I hate seeing people sad."Tenko!Himiko!What are you two doing out here??"
I ask,waving from the bench.
But...Tenko and Himiko didnt notice me.
They didnt even react!"How rude!"
I complain.
Still no reaction,they kept walking farther down the path.
They acted like I wasnt there at all.Annoyed and wanting to stir up trouble,I pick up a nearby stone and throw it at Tenko,knowing she would get upset.
The stone reaches the target.
Tenko is hit on the back of the head with the stone."Ah!"
Tenko yelps in surprise as she covers the back of her head.
She quickly turns around and looks in my direction.
I send a malicious smile her way.Tenko stares in my direction for a second then looks towards Himiko,ignoring me again!
"Hey...Himiko...did you use your magic to hit me or something?"
Tenko asks.
Himiko looks at her confused."No.I wouldnt waste MP on that.Im too tired...and im...not in the mood."
Himiko rolls her eyes.
"I-I know and im sorry b-but....uhm....nevermind."
Tenko sighs.
They continue on their way.
I was taken aback.
What the hell??"Tenko...ignored me?!Tenko wouldve dropkicked me by now..."
I say to myself.
I was so confused.I decided to go back inside the main school building and talk to someone else.Someone who wouldnt ignore me!Annoyed,I enter the school and start looking for people to annoy.
Being annoyed is better than being depressed....poor Kaede...
Anyway!I enter the dining hall and find Kirumi there!My momma!
I excitedly run over to her."Kirumom!Kirumoooom!"
I call for her,happy to see her.
She doesnt look at me.
Her focus seemed fixated on something on the dining table she was standing near.Confused,I walk by her side,and look at the dining table to see what she was staring down at.
Infront of her....was an empty Panta bottle?
Did she get that out of the trash?Im the only one who drinks that kind of thing and I never litter.So...why is it on the table?
I then notice...tears...falling into the table and Panta bottle cover.

💚KomaHina/SaiOma💜 OneShots
FanfictionThese stories are either fluff(🌺)or angst(🥀) or both(🌺🥀). Requests Are Open!! These are ideas I couldn't flesh out into full stories! Warning⚠️ Some stories may have in: •Blood •Cursing •Suggestive Talk •Smut •Self-Harm Enjoy Reading!