🌺🥀"New Family."🥀🌺(Part 3)(Kid!Hajime×Kid!Nagito)

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Hajime and Nagito stand to their feet and exit their room quietly.They look down the hallway and catch sight of Chiaki's room,the door was closed.

Hajime grabs Nagito's hand and they both slowly and quietly creep down the hallway and reach the door.After turning the doorknob and opening the door,they see Chiaki sleeping soundly in her bed.

"Hurry up and put it on the bedside table."

Nagito whispers,ushering Hajime to go in.

"What?Why me??"

Hajime's eyes widen.

"You drew it so,you do it."

Nagito hands the drawing to Hajime and pushes him into the room.With no other option,Hajime quietly walks over and places the drawing on the bedside table.

After he did that,he quickly left the room closing the door behind him and Nagito.That was quite heart racing for some reason.

"I hope she likes it..."

Nagito smiles to himself.

"Of course she will.I drew it."

Hajime smirks.
The two begin to walk back to their room but an idea suddenly came to Nagito.He stopped in his tracks which caught Hajime's attention.

"Whats wrong,Nagi?"

Hajime looks back and asks.

"Want to go outside and play?"

Nagito suggests,indicating towards the front door.

"Why?We're on the third floor of the apartment complex."

Hajime says.

"We can walk down the stairs and head into the car park to play.It wont take too long."

Nagito smiles.
The apartment complex had no front yard,it was just a car park on the ground floor.They just needed to leave the apartment,walk down four flights of stairs to make it to the bottom floor to play.

"Okay,fine.Lets go before mom wakes up."

Hajime nods.
They couldnt stay in the apartment forever and it would only take a couple minutes.

"Hajime!Hajime,look!I saw a mouse!!"

Nagito tugs at his friends shirt,catching sight of a mouse running through the parking lot decoration hedges.

"Oh.I found a stick!"

Hajime squats to the floor and picks up a stick lying in a random pile of leaves.

"Does it have ants on it?"

Nagito asks,cringing slightly.
Hajime shakes his head,observing the stick and finding no ants or any bugs for that matter.

"Lets whack a car with it."

Hajime's expression turns into a twisted grin as he looks at all the potential cars he could hit.

"We cant.That'll get our moms in trouble."

"Whooo cares?"

"I do."

Nagito glares at Hajime with a cold stare,causing him to shiver.

"A-Anyway...what should we do with the stick then?"

Hajime asks.

"Uhm...we could bury it to make a new tree?"

Nagito suggests.

"Is that how trees work?"

"Hm.I dont know."

"Well,youre pretty smart Nagito,so that must be it."

💚KomaHina/SaiOma💜 OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now