🌺🥀"Forgive Me."🥀🌺(Part 2)(Hajime×Nagito)

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Hajime's PoV:

I shouldve just kept my mouth shut.Now I have to meet with Nagito tomorrow morning but...maybe Chiaki wont seem so mad at me anymore.

I head to the usual spot I meet Chiaki for lunch,alittle breathless since I increased my walking pace.Like always,there Chiaki stood,on her phone,looking zoned out.I walk up to her and pat her head,causing her to look up.

"There you are.I was getting bored."

Chiaki sighs.
Her voice sounded somber.I didnt like to hear that.

"My bad.I was..."

I began to hesitate.
My words stumbled over eachother.Would Chiaki be happy if I told her I spoke to Nagito or upset because she would know I barely tried?

"...I was chatting...with Komaeda-Kun."

My voice lost some of its dominance as a spoke,turning to a soft whisper almost.Why was that so embarrassing to say?


Chiaki's eyes widen.
I nod slowly.I didnt dare look her in her eye.

"Thats great,Hinata-Kun.He isnt as bad as you thought,right?"

I didnt expect Chiaki to actually get...excited about that.It was confusing.

"I guess."

I grumble.
Whatever would get Chiaki off my back.I hate seeing her upset.

"Can we get going please?Im starving."

I had to change the subject,and fast before we get jinxed.

"Oh,right.Lets go."

Chiaki smiles.
Thank god,shes happy again.She was right,speaking to Nagito wasnt that bad.As long as she remained in a good mood then i'd chat with Nagito everyday,unwillingly.

The next day came along faster than I'd hoped and honestly,I completely forgot about Nagito.Completely.No wonder my morning felt so joyous.

So,as I got to the courtyard to meet with Chiaki as I usually do in the morning,I saw Nagito Komaeda standing there....with Chiaki!Chatting like last time!When did they get so....close?

"Komaeda-Kun,if you keep worrying about it,you'll just feel worse."

Chiaki reassures.
Her smile was back once again.I got that she felt bad for him but are they really becoming friends?

"...I know.I just....I really think I should leave."

Nagito held his head low,his expression covered in regret and even fear.What was he scared of now?Should I go talk with them?I'd look creepy if I just stood ways away and watched them.So,I approached them with...

"Good morning!"

They both look my way.
Chiaki looked relieved to see me while Nagito didnt dare keep eye contact with me,looking towards the ground.


Chiaki greets.
And of course,the luckiest student remained quiet.

"I saw Komaeda-Kun standing here and I decided to join him."

Chiaki explains.
I sigh and reply...

"Well,I did tell him to meet me here."

"What?I didnt know that."

Chiaki crosses her arms.
I take this opportunity to look at Nagito,who was still looking at the ground.

"So,you actually showed up."

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