Shuichi's PoV:
I always thought I would be single for the rest of my life.I didnt have time to focus on a significant other anyway.
Until I met a short,excitable boy through a friend of mine when I was 21,Kokichi Oma.We got to know eachother and eventually started dating.It sounds morbid but I expected the two of us to break up before anything got serious.That didnt happen though.I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
There was no dull day with him around.He was never boring and he had this adorable face I couldnt say 'no' to.When we fought,it wasnt pleasant.We would stop talking to eachother for days until one of us caved and apologized,even if they werent the aggressor.
I daydreamed of marrying him one day.I told my close friends,Kaede,Maki and Kaito about how I felt.Kokichi had met all of them before and they all liked him,but Maki,she tolerated him,while Kaito and Kaede adored him.
I explained how I wanted to marry him some day and they were fully supportive.He was marriage material for sure.Atleast,thats what Kaito said.
I was so worried though.What if Kokichi didnt want to get tied down like that?One day,I had enough.I didnt want to second-guess myself anymore.With alot of encouragement from my friends,I called Kokichi to meet up in a quiet little park to 'hangout'.Barely anyone went to that park.Of course,he was excited to see me.
It started off normal,he didnt expect anything to change differently.
Before all this,I asked Kaede to message me when she thinks its time pop the question.I was afraid I would chicken out,so she promised to message me.An hour into our date,Kaede had messaged me like she promised.It made my heart jump out of my chest.
'Its time,Shu!Ask him!I believe in you!',the message read.I took a deep breath and I told Kokichi I had something to ask.He was intrigued and let me continue.
With that,I popped the question.
I asked Kokichi to marry me.
And surprizingly,he said yes.He even started to cry which made me cry.He then made fun of me for crying which I rebuttled that he started to cry first.I was just glad he agreed,a huge weight off my chest.
Afew months later,we got offically married.Keade and Miu even had a breakdown,saying that their babies grew up.Wow.
Kokichi legally took my last name and we moved in together.Thats where the true fun really began.Living with Kokichi was a fun nightmare.It was great...but also worrying.
I was never a clingy person,especially when I began to date Kokichi but...after we moved into together,I began to seek attention from Kokichi more and more.He was willing to give me all the attention I wanted but somedays...he would get abit annoyed.
"Is it me or am I sure you didnt kiss me at all today?"
I ask.
We were on our bed,Kokichi leaning on me as he played on his phone while I had my hands wrapped around his waist."Are you really paying attention to that sort of thing?"
Kokichi questions.
"Not really.I just...dont remember you doing that at all.Half the day is already gone."
I frown.
"You can go one day without one form of my affection~!"
He laughs.
"I know...but..."
I munble.
"Dont be such a simp,Shu~!If I gave you a kiss,would you feel better?"
Kokichi asks.
I nod,abit embarrassed.
He turns around and gives me a gentle kiss,like I asked."T-Thank you..."

💚KomaHina/SaiOma💜 OneShots
FanficThese stories are either fluff(🌺)or angst(🥀) or both(🌺🥀). Requests Are Open!! These are ideas I couldn't flesh out into full stories! Warning⚠️ Some stories may have in: •Blood •Cursing •Suggestive Talk •Smut •Self-Harm Enjoy Reading!