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Nagito's PoV:

I don't know if it's a brag or the honest truth to tell others I'm dating two different people.At first,I get weird looks and unwanted comments but...I'm being quite honest.

After the Danganronpa simulation incident,all of my friends were put on a boat to travel to a new destination by the Future Foundation.It took some time for all of us to cope with the fact we were Remnants of Despair,but we all vowed to start new lives.

Before the simulation,I apparently removed my hand to replace it with the Ultimate Despair's own.The thought alone disgusted me,so I made sure to get my hand replaced,albeit with a robotic one.I never boasted about it,I was quite embarrassed but...it was better than showing off the hand of the woman who put us through so much.

Of course no one was the same after we woke up,especially not Hajime Hinata.During the simulation,we showed genuine interest in one another but unfortunately nothing was confirmed between us.

Once Hajime woke up,he learnt he went through a surgery before the simulation to turn him into Izuru Kamukura,since he was once talentless and obsessed with Hope's Peak Academy,where we all attended before.

After waking up though,Hajime's original personality shined through and he...was back to his normal self.Although,one of his olive eyes was now replaced by a blood red one.He cut his hair and did everything not to resemble Izuru.

The boat ride was quite comfortable,everyone had their own cabin and means of entertainment,a cafeteria and everything that made life...easier on the boat.Though we were told this,it took some time for all of us to get use to Chiaki Nanami's absence.I didn't regret what I did in the simulation but I missed her.

Hajime missed her most of all.In the first couple days of the boat ride,Hajime relied on me heavily for comfort as he mourned Chiaki.I didn't feel worthy to mourn with him because of what I did...but Hajime didn't seem to worry about that.

As he always kept coming to my cabin for some company and comfort,what was building between us in the simulation continued to build in the real world.It was painfully slow and everyone around us to feel the tension between us but...Hajime finally pulled me aside after dinner one evening and confessed to me.I didn't feel worthy,but I happily accepted.Though,I had a dark secret festering inside of me that I didn't dare reveal.

The boat ride was quite long.It would maybe take months to get where we were going.I didn't mind,I loved being able to look outside my cabin window and see the sea.

As time progressed in my relationship with Hajime around 2 weeks,I noticed something I wouldn't have if we didn't spend as much time together.Hajime...seemed to talk to himself often.

Though I was guilty of having a small conversation with myself,he seemed to be fighting with himself.He would mumble monotone insults at himself in the 2nd person,then respond to himself with flustered comebacks.

At first,I was worried.The simulation was heart breaking,maybe it messed with Hajime's head but...something seemed weird about his sudden mood switches from expressive Hajime to straight faced, cold Hajime.

When I asked him about it,Hajime gave me a reassuring reply,saying his thoughts were alittle jumbled but then...he bit back a mumble which I barely heard.Things were getting alittle frightening.Why wasn't he telling me?

One day,as the sun dipped below the ocean's horizon,I sat in my cabin by the window,a book in hand,reading as I occasionally glanced outside the window.

I would usually go to the top deck of the boat to enjoy the ocean breeze until night but...I felt alittle cozy,so I stayed inside.I heard chatter and footsteps from outside my cabin door,as my friends walked up and down and spoke with anyone they came across.

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