🌺"Lets Go On A Date!"🌺(Pregame!Shuichi×Pregame!Kokichi)

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Kokichi's PoV:

Do you know about a bully and the victim love story?Where one is a bully but likes the victim their bullying?Yeah...im the victim and my bully has a crush on me.

Shuichi Saihara.
He's pretty annoying,weird and flirty.
Shuichi isnt acutally bullying me but he's friends with someone who does,Kaede Akamatsu.A really mean girl who likes to torture me and my best friend,Maki Harukawa.

She would shove us,hit us,dump water on us and more.She sucked...and since Shuichi was friends with her,I assumed he sucked too.Even though,he was weird,I didnt...hate his company.

He seemed to really like me but...I didnt really like him back.He was cute and...had alot of charm but...he was a bully so I stopped myself from feeling anything towards him.

One day,after getting beat up by Kaede and her boyfriend,Rantaro Amami,a guy who would also bully people,I went to the boys' bathroom to clean up all the cuts and bruises I got.

It really stung.I could barely touch my face without wincing.As I was cleaning up,someone entered the bathroom,I look over and make eye contact...with Shuichi.Why him?

"Ouma-Kun!I havent seen you all day!"

Shuichi beams,walking up to me.
I roll my eyes.

"Well,ive been avoiding you,so thats to be expected."

I scoff,continuing to tend to my wounds.

"Did Akamatsu-Chan get to you again?"

Shuichi asks,noticing my bruises.

"Yes.Her boyfriend also joined,so they just ganged up on me."

"Amami-Kun??Huh.Mustve been a rough beating then."

"Tch.What do you want,Saihara-Kun?Im alittle busy."

I really wasnt in the mood.
Shuichi stays silent,looking to the floor,alittle nervous.Whats wrong with him now?

"Since youre here now...I wanted to ask....if you wanted to go to the amusement park with me this weekend?"

Shuichi hides his face in his hands,a blushing mess.I was shocked.

"Are you insane??Why would I go on a date with you??"

I growl.

"I-I just thought I'd be fun."

Shuichi mumbles.
I had no time for this,he was being annoying.I dont even like the guy.

"Im going to the nurse's office.These bruises are really stinging.I'll see you later."

I push past him to get to the bathroom door.I left him there in the bathroom alone.

"Hm.I just have to try harder then."

Shuichi smirks,determined.

Alittle later,right after class was done,I was packing my bag so I can head to lunch with Maki.The nurse had patched me up well enough that the injuries werent a pain anymore.

After packing up,I walk to the classroom door to leave but I was suddenly shoved aside by a familiar asshole.Kaede.

"Move it,abortion."

Kaede snarls,walking out of the classroom before I could.
Her little servant,Miu Iruma,was timidly following behind her.I couldnt help myself and mutter...


Kaede stops in her tracks and looks back at me.

"What was that?Repeat."

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