🌺"The Young C.E.O!"🌺(Hajime×Nagito)

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Nagito's PoV:

My life was fine.
Boring but okay.My aunt was the personal assistant of the C.E.O of a very famous fashion company.
She was extremely close with him.

She would always tell me about the C.E.O's...son?Saying that we should meet up and that'd we be good friends.She started saying that kind of thing when I was around 9 years old and she kept talking about it until I was 17.It was annoying.

Ive never even met the guy and I already hated him because of my aunt.Then one day,the C.E.O died from a heart attack.It was...a sad time for the company and my aunt was extremely upset.

She was so upset,she didnt want to go to work.Afew months after the funeral,my aunt suddenly suggested...I intern in her place for afew days???I was abit confused.Why would she suggest that?I couldnt really say no though.

So,she began to teach me the basics of being an assistant.She assured me that no one would mind me being young as long as I did the job well.My aunt wanted a little vacation I guess.

Afew days after teaching me the basics,she took me to the main company building.Everyone was really nice and accepting.
My aunt took me to the absolute top floor of the building.

She seemed really excited for some reason.She showed me to her desk.It was in this spacious room with,of course,her desk.It was right beside a door leading somewhere else.Im assuming the C.E.O's office.

"Come on,Nagito.Lets go meet the new C.E.O."

My aunt smiles.

"The new C.E.O?Already?"

I reply.

"You'll see."

My aunt grabs my hand and we enter the door right next to her desk.
The room was well decorated.
I was surprized to see someone my age sitting at the C.E.O desk.

"Hajime?We're here."

My aunt announces.
The boy,Hajime,jolts and drops the pen he was fiddling with.

"Ms.Komaeda!Youre back already!!"

He jumps up from the chair and walks over to us.
He seemed...annoying.

"Hajime.This is my nephew,Nagito Komaeda.The one I've been training to take my spot as the main assistant for afew weeks."

My aunt introduces me.
Afew weeks??

"Auntie,I thought you said afew days??"

I respond.

"Oops.My mistake.A-Anyway,it was Hajime that allowed this whole situation to occur."

My aunt continues.

"What do you mean?"

I question.

"Nagito,this is Hajime Hinata.The previous C.E.O's son that I kept telling you about.He is well trained and is taking over his dad's spot.Which means you respond to him."

She explains.
My eyes widen.So he's the new C.E.O??And he's the one who allowed me to intern for my aunt??And people take him seriously??

"Dont be worried,hun.Hajime is well trained for this position and he was going to take over the company sooner or later."

My aunt reassures.

"Oooh....how great..."

I lie.

"Its nice to meet you.We'll work great together,im sure."

Hajime smiles.

"Im excited to work with you....for many weeks..."

I grit my teeth.

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