Kokichi's PoV:
Shuichi repeats,alittle confused.
"Its a sickness thats not really a real sickness but its a sickness that I have."
I explain.
"This sickness causes you to throw up blood?!Why arent you in the hospital?!"
Shuichi panicks.
"Blood and red carnation petals.Dont forgot those~!"
I giggle.
"This isnt funny!!"
Shuichi pinches my arm,tears running down his face still.He was really worried.
"Owww!!Stop worrying!Research if youre so scared!"
I pout,rubbing my arm.
Shuichi wipes his tears and sighs."Ill research it but im going to stay by your side right here until you feel better."
Shuichi crosses his arms.
"Youre stubborn,arent you~?"
I smirk.
"I learnt it from you."
Shuichi replies.
As he said that,I felt the blood come back up again.I quickly hover over the toilet bowl and begin to expel the blood into it.Shuichi obviously panicks as he rubs my back gently.After afew minutes,the vomiting finally let up.More petals came out this time,it was obviously getting worse.
"I...feel terrible..."
I whimper,my throat aching.
"Youre so pale.This isnt good at all."
Shuichi frowns.
"I'll be fine,Shu.It cant get any worse~!"
I smile.Soon enough,I felt a warm liquid seap from my nose.There's no way.
"Your nose!I-Its bleeding!"
Shuichi panicks again.
I was shocked.I didnt hurt my nose or anything...so why was it bleeding?It was bleeding alot too."C-Crap!I'll be right back!Dont move!"
Shuichi jumps to his feet as he runs out of the bathroom.
I just sat on the floor,my insides aching.As I was reeling from the shock of my nose bleeding,I felt something stick up in my throat,causing me to cough.I cover my mouth as I began to cough,trying to muffle the sound.
When I bring my hand down from my mouth,a small pool of blood was resting in my palm....with an almost full formed red carnation flower sitring in the middle of my hand with few scattered petals.I was getting really scared at this point.Loosing this much blood was obviously not good and it seemed the flower were becoming more formed than before.
My nose began to let up with the blood but it was still bleeding.Before I knew it,Shuichi returned to the bathroom and knelt by my side again.
"Here,hold this to your nose."
Shuichi presses a small,damp towel on my nose and sqeezes it slightly.
"Thank you..."
I mutter.I didnt know it was this bad.
"I cant stand to see you so sick.What if youre suffering from something fatal??"
Shuichi shakes from worry.

💚KomaHina/SaiOma💜 OneShots
FanficThese stories are either fluff(🌺)or angst(🥀) or both(🌺🥀). Requests Are Open!! These are ideas I couldn't flesh out into full stories! Warning⚠️ Some stories may have in: •Blood •Cursing •Suggestive Talk •Smut •Self-Harm Enjoy Reading!