🌺"My Tutor."🌺(Hajime×Nagito)

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Hajime's PoV:

Im stupid.
Thats the long and short of it.
I was never good at math...or literature.I was street smart but not book smart.I wasnt doing the best at school and it started to worry my mom.

She gave me one more chance to get good marks on an upcoming test or she would get involved.My mom tends to go overboard so I didnt want her sticking her nose anywhere.

I had an important test coming up.
I was shitting bricks when the class was about to start.I couldnt focus.

"Whats wrong,Hinata?"

My friend,Chiaki,asks.

"N-Nothing.Just nerves."

I was shaking.
Chiaki was calm.

"Did you study?"

She asks.

"Of course I did!If I didnt and I fail this test,my mom is going to ruin my life."

I whine.
Chiaki taps repeatedly on her phone,playing a game.

"You'll be okay....I think."

She tries to reassure me.

"I know for a fact Komaeda will be fine."

She was right.
Nagito Komaeda,a classmate of mine,was extremely smart.He couldnt fail if he wanted to.

The class started soon and everyone taking the test sat in their seat.
Nagito was sitting afew seats away from me,looking confident and calm...

Chiaki was already falling asleep at her desk,and she just sat down!
I take a deep breath to try and focus my thoughts.Before I knew it...the test was over.We were getting our results the next day.

Chiaki and I were walking down the hallway after the class,chatting about the test.I was a mess while Chiaki was still drowzy.

"That test...wasnt easy.Nothing I studied for was on it!"

I panic.

"There are two ways a test can go.You either study alot for nothing because the test is really easy...or you study and nothing you learnt is on the test.You got the latter."

Chiaki explains,lazily rubbing her eyes.

"Thats so unfair.The other side of the test was the worst of it..."

Chiaki looked confused by what I said.Then she asks...

"...There was another side?"

I was shocked.
She was going to get 50%....at best.

"Ugh...Nanami.You need to get more sleep."

I gently pat her on the head.
She shrugs,unbothered.

"The more I sleep,the less time I have to beat bosses and collect MP in my games..."

She yawns loudly.
No matter what I say,she wont listen.
We continue down the hallway,until we saw Nagito exiting another classroom.Guess he had business in there.Nagito and I werent really...friends but Chiaki knew him well.

"Oh.Hey Komaeda!"

She calls out to him.
He turns to us,a surprised look on his face.He wasnt expecting to see us.

"Nanami.Hinata-Kun.Its nice to see you."

He walks up to us,greeting us.
From the way her referred to us,its obvious that he's better friends with Chiaki than me.

"Same here.How was the test for you?"

She asks.

"Quite easy.I finished way sooner than I expected."

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