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Chiaki's PoV:

Life on the island was quiet.
Sometimes,I would wish for more drama.Everyone was just getting along,which was great...but boring.

It was the same boring thing every single day and I was getting tired of it.Suddenly though,a random war started between two people.
Nagito Komaeda and Hajime Hinata.

They were both good friends of mine.I knew Nagito and Hajime well and I never imagined they would be hating on eachother.

The would argue about everything.
Everytime one entered the room with the other,their expressions would turn sour.It was weird.Nagito was the type to let Hajime step on him.I didnt get it.

It got to the point where they would argue for days then suddenly ignore eachother,the go back to arguing.No one knew what was going on.No one saw anything that would spark this hatred.People tried to understand it but....no one could think of anything.

"I have no clue..."

Sonia sulks.
Ibuki,Hiyoko,Mikan,Sonia and I were in the library on one of the islands.
We were trying to figure out why there was suddenly....beef.

"M-Maybe they are h-h-hi-hiding something??"

Mikan stutters.

"Hiding what??Its obvious that they hate eachother,you dumb pig!"

Hiyoko growls.

"Ibuki thinks that one of them started the brawl!!"

Ibuki comments.

"Who?Hajime normally wants nothing to do with Nagito while Nagito would normally never do anything to hurt anyone....unless he had a reason."

I mutter.
Sonia places a book back on a shelf.

"Sadly,the best thing we can do is try and stop their arguements before they become something big."

Sonia sighs.

"It wont work.They are such stubborn idiots."

Hiyoko scoffs.

"I-Im pretty sure s-something e-else is going on--"

Mikan was quickly interupted by Hiyoko.


Hiyoko yells.
Mikan ducks her head,her body shaking.

"WAAAAAH!Im so-sorry!Im s-s-so s-sorry!!Ooooh nooo..."

She whines.
I then step in...

"Leaver her alone,Hiyoko."

I was abit peeved about this.
I never really get upset about things but this was bothering me.There had to be a reason.Why am I not getting it?

The arguing between the two got worse and worse until...they started to get int physical brawls.
I was shocked.I never imagined Hajime and Nagito beating on eachother.

They did this almost everyday.
It was always infront of everyone.They would start talking,then start aruging and it would blow up into physically fighting,Hajime normally throwing the first blow.

It ended up with either Akane or Nekomaru breaking up the fight.Sometimes,Akane would go too far and knock both of them out because they would not stop trying to get at eachother's throats.Nekomaru would even pick them up off their feet,literally,by their collars and hold them there until they calmed down,when they did,he would be put them back down.

I found it worrying.
What did those two have to argue abot so often?Yes,the situation we were in on this random island was stressful but...no need to get physically violent.

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