Kimiko's PoV:
In case you need filling in,a couple friends and I decided it would be a great idea to explore some sort of cave system nearby a beach.
One of my friends,Katsuro Akamatsu,lived near it,so,for a fun weekend,he decided to invite us over to his house for some fun in the sun at the beach and then...this weird cave exploring.
I really didnt want to go but...someone convinced me.My sweet girlfriend of 4 years,Shizuko Saihara decided it would be fun if we got out and hung out together with another couple,Mai and Katsuro.Everything was going great in the beginning...
"Hey Shu~!Look what I found!"
I beam,showing my beloved a small seashell I came across.She was sitting on a towel on the sand with an umbrella overhead,reading a book,watching us play in the water from afar.
"Thats really beautiful."
Shizuko gasps in awe.
"By the way...why wont you get in the water?You basically put on a bathing suit for no reason."
I pout.
"Erhm.I'd rather sit in the shade and read.Dont l-let me ruin the mood or anything!"
Shizuko nervously laughs,her cheeks stinging a gentle pink.She always preferred to watch from the sidelines.
I whine.
As much as I loved her,she needed to be in the spotlight more.She's worth it."Uh...Kim?"
Shizuko seemed to be looking behind me.Whats the matter with her?
"Whats wro---"
Before I could finish,I felt someone pick me up from behind.I was a small girl...that could happen.I begin to panic.I look behind me and I see my bitch of a friend,Mai Iruma,with a big smile on his face.I almost forgot the other 2 were here.
"Put me down,you manwhore!!!"
I yell,unable to get Mai to put me down.
Shizuko just watched with a gentle smile as I was being assalted."I hope you can swim,little rat!"
Mai cackles,beginning to trot over to the water.Who does he think he is!?
"Shizukooooo!Help meeeee!"
I cry out.
Shizuko just ignored me and says..."Be gentle with her."
I couldnt believe her!
I was being abducted!As my girlfriend,she should do something!"You traitor!!!"
Was all I managed to get out before I was suddenly chucked into the water by my bastard of a friend.
I could hear Mai cackle loudly as I resurfaced from under water,catching my breath."You ass!I couldve had my phone with me!!"
I scold.
"Ha!Good idea!Hey Shizuko!Pass the abortion's phone,will ya~?"
Mai jokes.
I quickly reply..."If you give him my phone Shizuko,im breaking up with you!"
Shizuko seemed to be ignoring us and our antics thankfully.Head first back into her book.
"Can you two stop yelling so loudly?"
Katsuro sighs,reappearing from where ever he went.

💚KomaHina/SaiOma💜 OneShots
FanfictionThese stories are either fluff(🌺)or angst(🥀) or both(🌺🥀). Requests Are Open!! These are ideas I couldn't flesh out into full stories! Warning⚠️ Some stories may have in: •Blood •Cursing •Suggestive Talk •Smut •Self-Harm Enjoy Reading!