Sota's PoV: Sota Oma.
I'm the one and only son of Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara.Im 14 years old currently.I have dark raven hair and bright purple eyes.My hair is straight but the ends curl,only slightly.My dad,Shuichi,is The Ultimate Detective,he is the head detective at his detective agency thanks to Aunty Kyoko Kirigiri.He was really shy when he was around my age but now he is much more confident in his abilities,he can be pretty scary when he's ready....
That's when my papa,Kokichi,comes in.He is the Ultimate Supreme Leader.When he was younger,he was a real trouble maker with his group called D.I.C.E.They'd go around and pull harmless yet annoying pranks on people.
After meeting my dad,papa decided to change his ways....only alittle.Both him and D.I.C.E focused their sights on helping people,which was charity.Mainly an orphanage.
Papa never had a good childhood,his physique was proof of that.All of his friends in his group also had terrible childhoods,so they all wanted to give kids like them better chances.
With alot of planning,papa managed to open his own orphanage with the theme of clowns.All the kids would play games and learn alot of neat things.They'd dressed up in the dice uniforms and learn as much as they can until one of them gets adopted.
Both my parents were doing quite well for themselves,and they were so lovey dovey around eachother after getting married,it almost made their peers sick.As they were in the highest point of their young adult lives,my dad got an idea.
All the children he got to know through my papa's profession made him start to yearn for a kid of his own.So after approaching papa with the idea,I am now here,14 years later.
The eyes of papa,the hair of dad....and the personality of neither of them.Im sort of introverted.I don't like people and only get silly with my parents and my close friends.I keep my expression blank most of the time since I don't really have the energy to express emotions.Moving on...
I've heard many stories from my parents' friends about their life before I was born.Papa was carrying me but my dad expressed more symptoms than the actual pregnant partner.
For the first 3 months,my dad had to change his eating habits because many sights,smells or tastes would trigger nausea.Meanwhile,papa was fine,eating like usual.
Next was the arguement between my parents about my last name.Papa is pretty prideful and wanted me to take his last name.My dad objected and offered I take his.They fought about it for a long time,until...papa went into labor.
For someone who barely experienced any of the usual symptoms of carrying a baby,the sudden pains of labor nearly killed papa,or atleast thats what he said.It was so painful that he used that fact alone to say he deserved to give his last name to me.
My dad was panicking so he just quickly agreed to get off the topic.After I was delivered,papa never let my dad forget what he agreed to.Now,I'm Sota Oma.
When I was a baby,papa would take me everywhere whenever he wasn't working.My dad would almost beg for him to take it easy and rest at home with me.
The only time when I'd stay at home and just rest is when my dad was off and papa was at work,or if I was with my babysitter,Aunty Maki.She was a close friend and the wife of my dad's bestie,Uncle Kaito.
I was a brat as a baby.
Not once did I liked to be picked up or touched by anyone but my parents.I wouldn't cry...I would judge.Id apparently glare at whoever tried to pick me up.The only time I cried is when I got lonely,and the moment I saw one of my parents' face,I'd just stop...immediately,which made my dad think I was faking it.I don't really remember,I'm only recalling the stories I've been told.

💚KomaHina/SaiOma💜 OneShots
FanfictionThese stories are either fluff(🌺)or angst(🥀) or both(🌺🥀). Requests Are Open!! These are ideas I couldn't flesh out into full stories! Warning⚠️ Some stories may have in: •Blood •Cursing •Suggestive Talk •Smut •Self-Harm Enjoy Reading!