Hajime's PoV:
Being away from the love of your life for a week must be horrible.
For me,it was 2 weeks.The Future Foundation had to go to this rundown city overrun by Monokumas to test out equipment that protects the person from said Monokumas.I was one of the people that had to go with my co-workers,one of them being Chiaki Nanami.It was a long boat ride.
My boyfriend,Nagito Komaeda,was also in the Future Foundation but he was getting some time at home because of his hard work.He would be stressed out all day and night.Everyone thought he deserved the break.
Nagito and I would call everyday but the last 2 days of my trip,Nagito didnt answer any of my calls.I got really worried because it was unlike Nagito to be M.I.A for 2 days.I couldnt reach him at all.I already missed him like crazy,is he torturing me by not picking up?For 2 full days??
Is he hurt?Is he planning something?Is he with someone else??Its not like me to worry so much but...damn it,I was worried.
Chiaki and my other co-workers tried to calm me down.I already had to test out dangerous equipment on dangerous Monokumas.Even though it wasnt likely,I could die.So,my co-workers thought it was bad for my health to be worried and stressed during the breaks we had from testing.
When it was time to go home,I was ecstatic.I swear I was the first one on the boat as soon as the last day came to an end.Right at midnight.
Chiaki understood my haste.She was ecstatic aswell.She doesnt worry as much as I do but she also has someone to get back to that she missed alot.Her 'princess'.
As soon as Chiaki and I got back to the city.We almost cried.We were basically kids in love.Some co-workers saw us as alittle childish and now I know why.
I quickly make it home.I had afew days off,since that little 'mission' took 2 weeks!Anyway.
I enter the house and im met with silence.
I got really nervous."Nagito!Im back!"
I announce into the silent house,my voice echoing.After work,I always say that when I enter the house and within seconds,Nagito would be running over to me and giving me a hug.But...not this time.
This wasnt like Nagito at all.
I walk farther into the house.
I leave my stuff in the livingroom and take of my jacket,leaving only my white button up shirt.I tried to decide to think where Nagito could be if he wasnt home.
I couldnt think of anything.Nagito liked to stay home,I was the one who dragged him everywhere like the movies or the beach.He didnt dislike it but he would rather stay home.I sigh deeply.I walk up the stairs to the first floor,Nagito had to be in the house somewhere.
I enter our bedroom.Bingo.
I saw Nagito curled up under the bedsheets.Even though his entire body was covered,I still saw his fluffy hair sticking out.I sigh,relieved.I quietly walk over to the bed and sit on the edge of the bed,right by covered Nagito.I realized he was trembling.
"Nagito.Are you awake?"
I ask.
Nagito doesnt reply.Then,he slowly sits up.His hair is messy like usual,but...his face a red and he looked really tired."Hinata-Kun.You're back!Im happy to see you."
Nagito laughs breathlessly.
"You look paler than usual.Whats the matter?"
I ask,placing my hand on Nagito's forehead.He was way warmer than normal.
Nagito smiles sheepishly."Ive...seemed to have caught an illness.Forgive me,Hinata-Kun."
Nagito mutters.
Oh.So he's sick!Nagito's practically never sick!

💚KomaHina/SaiOma💜 OneShots
FanfictionThese stories are either fluff(🌺)or angst(🥀) or both(🌺🥀). Requests Are Open!! These are ideas I couldn't flesh out into full stories! Warning⚠️ Some stories may have in: •Blood •Cursing •Suggestive Talk •Smut •Self-Harm Enjoy Reading!