🥀"Saving You From Yourself."🥀(Hajime×Nagito)

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Nagito's PoV:

Life is precious.
To me anyway.Even though some lives are taken for granted,I believe life is something amazing.

So when I expected to just go to the roof for a good sunset view after school,I didnt expect...to save someone's life.

When I opened the door from the stairs to the roof,my eyes instantly fell on a boy standing by the railing of the roof top.I was abit confused.It was Thursday and the sun was beginning to set,so I assumed everyone would be rushing home.

I then notice...his shoes were off and placed neatly next to him along with his bag,there was also a note resting on the top of his shoes...it looked...important.

It didnt take long for me to....realize what the situation was.I slowly close the door to the stairs and walk up near behind him.He had spikey,dirty brown hair and fair skin.

After thinking about how I should approach this,I walk next to him,lean gently on the railing and immediately start conversation...

"Its a beautiful evening,isnt it?"

I sigh calmly,glancing at the boy.
The boy looked alittle surprised by my sudden presence but...his eyes slowly turned emotionless as he looked back down over the rail.

"Really beautiful."

He replies.
The boy had the sweetest olive eyes but they were so cold with...despair,it made me shiver.I then continue...

"So...what are you doing up here?Watching the sunset?"

I smile.
He takes abit to respond but then says...

"Yeah...just for a couple minutes."

Afer that,it was silent.
I didnt know what else to say.
He was giving me short answers.How was I suppose to make conversation from that??But...that silence was short lived when the boy suddenly spoke up again.

"Its abit awkward since I dont know your name."

Oh yeah...I didnt tell him my name.
With an embarrassed chuckle,I say...

"Im Nagito Komaeda.I shouldve started with that."

The boy just smiles emotionlessly,staring thoughtlessly at the setting sun.

"Hajime Hinata."

He says.
That was....a really nice name.
Before I could reply,he speaks up again...

"Can you...remember my name?"

I was alittle...afraid of what he meant by that.By the scene...im assuming he's not up here for a good reason so...why would he ask that?

"Uh...sure.Why?Is someone going to ask about you?"

I try to turn it into a joke.
The boy,Hajime,did have a smile on his face but...his eyes were so dead...and cold that I couldnt tell if he found it funny or not.

"No reason.I just want you to remember.Anyway,I guess another day then..."

Hajime walks over to his items.He puts his shoes back on,throws his bag on his back and crumples the paper that was resting on his shoes,then stuffs it in his bag.

He turns to show me a gentle smile,then with that,Hajime walks away,exiting the rooftop through the door to the stairs.After the door closed and he was gone,I felt my heart dive into my stomach.I sigh heavily and duck my head.

"What...just happened?Did I really...stop someone from...killing themselves?"

My breathing was shaky.
I didnt know what to do.Should...I tell a teacher about Hajime?I...dont understand...

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