⚠️Suicide Mentions⚠️
⚠️Rape/Sexual Abuse Mentions⚠️Shuichi's PoV:
Moving.I never found it easy.
I never knew my parents and I lived with my aunt and uncle.
We always moved because of my uncle's job.I hated it.I could never get close with anyone since in 6 months of meeting them,I'd be moving again.I was only 16 and it feels like I moved 100 times.Then,I made my first ever friend...when I moved into a strange,wooden house.
Moving day was troublesome but I did this so much,I had all my stuff unpacked in a single day.The next day when everything was settled in the house already,I began to notice something.This house was old.
I went downstairs to my uncle in the living room.He was already on his computer while my aunt was in the kitchen unpacking there.
"Hey uncle.How...old is this house?"
I ask.
"About...200 years old.Its in good condition,dont worry."
My uncle responds.
"Huh.I see."
I mutter.
"Dont you have more unpacking to do?"
He continues.
"No.Ive learnt to unpack in afew hours even.Im done."
I sigh.
"Well go get some reading done.You still have to learn how to read Wing-Dings font."
My uncle demands.
I roll my eyes."Hey Shuichi~!Can you head to our room and grab my phone for me?"
I heard my aunt call.
"Coming Auntie!"
I reply and head back upstairs.
I head to my aunt's and uncle's room and open their door.
I walk to their bedside table for her phone and it wasnt there."Hey Auntie!Your phone isnt on the table!!"
I call.
"It should be there!!Look around!"
She yells back a response.
I sigh and look on their bed.Nope.
I get on my knees and look under their bed.Nope.
I stand back up and glance at the bedside table again.Her phone was there.I just checked there.How...strange.I guess I missed it?
I pick up the phone,leave their room,head downstairs and give my aunt in the kitchen her phone.
"Thanks dear.I suggest you rest for the remainder of the day.You did alot today."
My aunt suggests.
"I-I cant.My uncle says I should read."
I laugh nervously.
My aunt's eyebrows furrow."Damn bastard.Wont let my nephew rest for anything."
She scoffs quietly.
"I'll be in my room."
I say,I didnt want to be the cause of another fight.
My aunt nods and I quickly head upstairs to my room.
I close the door and lock it.
I begged and pleaded in my head...Please dont fight.Please dont fight.Please...for the love of all thats holy and mysterious,dont fight!
I say to myself.
I wait a couple of seconds...then I heard muffled talking downstairs.
Shit.Then,it turned into muffled yelling.My aunt and uncle were fighting again.

💚KomaHina/SaiOma💜 OneShots
FanfictionThese stories are either fluff(🌺)or angst(🥀) or both(🌺🥀). Requests Are Open!! These are ideas I couldn't flesh out into full stories! Warning⚠️ Some stories may have in: •Blood •Cursing •Suggestive Talk •Smut •Self-Harm Enjoy Reading!