🌺"You Can't Hear Me?"🌺(Part 2)(Shuichi×Kokichi)

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Shuichi's PoV:

The next day came around way too fast.Though I managed to fall asleep after being told those 3 heart racing words from my boyfriend,Kokichi Oma,I still wasn't prepared for today.

Kokichi was coming over to my side of the city for another date.But he decided to be all cute and not tell me when he was coming.It was 8am by the time I woke up.Since it was break time from school,I didn't need to wake up early,I only awoke at that time because of a text message coming through on my phone.

Groggy,I slowly sit up and check my phone,my eyes half lidded with exhaustion.As I opened the message,my heart sunk when I realized what was going on.The message that I was sent was a picture from Kokichi.It displayed him in the corner of the picture,a bright smile on his face,and behind him was the train approaching his station so he could get on.The caption read 'Soon there!'

I nearly had a heart attack.He was on his way already?!And I was nowhere near prepared.Physically nor mentally.I sent a quick reply of 'See you', before I began to panic.

I scramble out of my bed,almost tripping up on my bedsheets,and began to get ready for his pending arrival.

I assumed that 30 minutes was all I had to get ready,since that was the commute time.I managed to get clean and tidy in the half an hour,but I had to skip out on breakfast if I wanted to be on time to meet him.

Since I was so anxious yet excited to meet my boyfriend,the thought that I hadn't eaten anything never crossed my mind as I made my way to my local train station.

The second I arrived,a train pulled into the station and people began to get off,aswell as get on.I checked the train's name that was displayed on the screens,and it was the train that would bring Kokichi to me from his part of the city.

My heart was beating so fast,my breathing was uneven.I put my hands in my hoodie pockets,the hoodie I just threw on in my haste,trying not to look so awkward just standing there.

I kept my eyes on the floor, I didn't want to make eye contact with complete strangers as they got of the train.Why was I here so early anyway?Would Kokichi always be so difficultly cute?


The sudden calling of my name made me look up to observe my surroundings,only to be tackled into a bear hug by an unknown,smaller male.At first,I was quite lost,then I recognized the hair of this mysterious guy.


I mumble.
The guy looked up at me,and I was relieved to know I was correct,it was my boyfriend I came to see.

"You're here!Were you waiting long~?"

Kokichi grins.
He dressed casually with a small book bag on his back.

"Not long enough..."

I laugh.
Somehow,I felt he'd be upset to know that I just arrived here for him.And then it hit me,Kokichi probably wore his hearing aids all morning,were they starting to hurt him?

"My parents l-left for work already.Would you like to come by my place before we start our day?"

I ask.
Kokichi pulls away from the embrace and queries...

"Your parents know of me already~?"

"N-Not yet,but I can just text them and say a friend came over."

I reply,looking to the ground.

"Your house on our second date?How dangerous."

Kokichi snickers.
I blush deeply.I knew this wasn't the most normal second date but,I wanted to get dressed properly before anything else.

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