10.Mafia boss Kuroo x demon!Butler!UMR

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Au; mafia, demons ig...
Requested; yes~ by an anonymous kinky weeb~
Name: haikyuu
Type; smutt

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 5'6

Hair; White

Eyes; red

Length; 5in/7in

Oooo cuteeINFO!You are a demon, and Kuroo's butler

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Oooo cutee
You are a demon, and Kuroo's butler. And he has a soft spot for ya~ also yhis is super kinky -_-
Your POV

I walk down the hallway of the big house of my master. With a cup of coffee and some cookies. I knock on the door and only when I hear a silent 'come in' I get in the room "master, I've brought you your coffee" I say (master sounds so kinky... I'm gonna keep using it!)

"Oh thanks. Lay it here" he says and points on the side of the table. I put it down and I can feel his gaze on me. I can feel him looking at my body with oh so much lust... When I'm done I look at him and he's just shamelessly looking at my croch. "Umm... M-master?" I ask


"C-can you please stop..."

"Hmm, I'm sorry, but unfortunately no, I cannot" he says with a smirk. I just nod and get out of the room. When I'm out the door I feel myself blush deep and I go to the kitchen to get a cup of water. I sigh and drink the water.

'he always does that... What is with him... I'm a man... A gay man but still.... Is he gay... Ugh master-kuroo you make me confused...' (hehehe master~;))

Skip-later that day.

I go up to masters room to calm him down for dinner. I knock on the door and get in when I here a silent 'come in' I walk in the room and say: "Master... Dinner is ready" I say and look at him. He nods and gets up from the chair. I start to walk to the kitchen and see Kenma already in his sit. "Hello Kenma" I say and he looks up from his game and nods. I put the food in the plates and put myself some as well. Then I make us tea and sit down.

When we finish eating I go to make Master-kuroo his clothes for when he finishes showering. When I'm done I get out of the room and my wrist is held by a bigger hand I look back and see Master-kuroo with a towel hanging loosely around his waist exposing his v-line. "M-master-kuroo? Did you need something?" I ask

"Yes, I'd like you to stop hanging out with Hinata."

"B-but he's my friend... And he also came with me to this relm" I say

"Hmm, yes but I want you to myself"

"Master I'm already yours. I belong to you." I say and pull up my sleeve to show him the demon mark.

"No, I want you to be with me"

"Oh... Well then.. yes, I will be with you master." He bends down to my height and looks me in the eyes "drop the master darling, makes me feel old."

"B-but it's for respect, I belong to you m-I mean Kuroo" he smirks and lifts me up by my thighs. "Just Tetsuro is fine Darling~" he says iny ear in a husky voice full of lust.

'oh no... He triggered my heat....' I think and blush and start to pant

"You ok?" He asks "h-heat~" I say and hug him tight. He nods and takes me to he's bed. He lays me down and climbs on me. He opens my shirt and throw it to the corner then he kisses my lips and goes down to my neck chest and other stuff (>\\\\\\\\<)

2ND person POV

He puts two fingers in you expecting it to be dry but no! There's slick! He smirks and starts to prepare you for his dick.

When he feels that you are stretched enough he takes out his fingers and you whine a bit from the lost of simulation. "Don't worry kitten~" he says and takes his memmber in his hands and pumps it a bit then he puts it Infront of your entrance and and then pushes in. You moan a bit and when he's all the way in he waits for a while for you to get adjusted. Once you do you wrap your hands around his neck and pull him closer to you. He start9to thrust into you and you moan in his ear. "Fuck your so tight~ ugh I love your sweet little moans~~" he groans and nibble on your ear.

(Ugh I'm tired and idk how to continue this.... Would you care if I just skip to the end?? Yea? Finee I won't T-T)

After a few momma of him thrusting in an inhuman speed, and with each thrust hitting your prostate with oh so much force and you cumming each time that happens, and clenching around his big thicc dick he cums in you. (Damn🥵👨🏻‍🦽) you moan from the feeling and cum again all over yourself for the last time. He then pulls out and puts a plug in you. You moan again and he clwans the both of you up and then you go to sleep.

In the morning you wake up with a pain in your lower back and feeling like you have to throw up. You wake up Kuroo and tell him. He takes you to the bathroom and you immediately throw up. "Are you ok?" He asks and you try to remember what happened yesterday. "D-did you cum i-in me?" You ask


"Oh... Then I- I guess be ready to be a dad..." You say and look down in shame. He notices that and hugs you. "Hey, it'll be ok! I've always wanted to be a dad!" He says and kisses your forehead. Then he picks you up and cleans you up.

Skip- 5 months later

You wake up in the middle of the night in Kuroo's arms with pain in your tummy. "Argh!!" You yell with the pain is way too much. Kuroo wakes up and looks at you. "What happened?" He asks tiredly. "The baby!! It's coming!" You say he immediately gets up and takes the hospital bag. Then he goes to Hinata to help with it.

When you get to his place his master open the door and looks at the two of you, the he calls Hinata and then you get in labour. It takes you 13 hours to get the baby out of you seeing your not at the hospital and your not human. But Hinata was a doctor back in the demon relm. For male pregnancy. (Yeah no sergery! Deal with it!)

"Just a little more! One last big push M/N! Almost there he says with most of the baby's body out. You hold Kuroo's hand almost breaking it. Then you hear a little cry and let yourself rest. Hinata cleans up the baby and weights it. Then he comes back to you. "It's a boy! He wights 2.5 kg, that is normal just a little under. But don't worry, as long as you feed him he'll be just fine!"

"How do I feed him? I don't have breasts Shoyo..."

"They will grow in! Don't worry" he just smiles and gives Kuroo the baby. "Ok then, the both of you better go.." Kageyama says and helps you get up and out.

Hii hope you like that! Ok love y'all stay safe ❣️

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