20.Preg Omega Bakugo x Alpha SMR

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Haven't done Omegaverse in a long ass time.
What is Omegaverse to the ppl that don't know!
Most of the population are Alphas (75%). Alphas can get Omega's pregnant, no matter the gender of the Omega or the Alpha.
The next is Beta (15%). Betas can only impregnate Betas when it's a hetero relationship. If not, they use adoption.
The last is Omega (10%). Omegas can only get pregnant from Alphas, no matter if it's gxg gxb bxb bxg.
If there is an Alpha x Alpha relationship, the more submissive Alpha will develop a womb to have children.

Yeah! Also warning!! Short story ahead!! I'm exhausted, I'm on 2 cups of coffee, a breakfast and no sleep. I'll write this then I'll sleep for like, forever.

Au; Omegaverse
Requested; yep
Name: mha/bnha
Type; fluff hopefully.

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 6'5

Hair; sliver

Eyes; light blue

Length; doesn't matter perverts!

Oooo 🥵INFO!!Kat is preggy, and hormonal

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Oooo 🥵
Kat is preggy, and hormonal. Yeah!
Literally, that's it.
3RD person POV

M/N slowly opens his eyes, and is quickly blinded by the ligjt from the window.

He slowly adjusts to the light in the room, and opens his eyes once more. He looks around the room and his eyes fall onto the sleeping Omega that is tightly wrapped himself around M/N. He smiles lightly and gently trying to pry the Omega off. Keyword: trying. M/N sigh when his attempts to get up are unsuccessful.

"Baby, I have to pee, please let me get up" M/N says with a husky voice laced with sleep, in his Omega's ear. M/N and Katsuki have been together since they were 17. They came out when they were 19 and now they are engaged at age 22.

M/N, is trying to wiggle himself out of Katsuki's death hold on him. With absolutely no success. "Baby please." He begs.

"Noo, I want to sleep. If you want to get up, then take me with you." Says the Omega. The Alpha groaned but obeyed. He got up with Katsuki hugging him like a Kuala and went to the bathroom.

Once he got there, he did his business and brushed his teeth. He also brushed his hair back. "Ok, let's go." He says mostly to himself.

"What about me?" The Omega asked. M/N looks down at him and kisses his forehead. He put him down on the counter and brushed his teeth and hair back. Of course he helped his pregnant Omega to do his business and walked out to make breakfast.

"What do you want to eat baby?" Asked the Alpha.

"Hmm, I don't know." Answered the Omega. "Maybe like egg and fruit."

"Ok, I'll make it." M/N started to make the food with Katsuki sitting on the counter behind him. He made 4 eggs 1 for Kat and 3 foe him. He also made Kat his fruit and tea and for himself bacon and coffee. You see, Omegas and Alphas have different diets. Omegas are to eat things that keep them tiny and able to conceive. Alphas are to eat stuff to make them bigger and stronger. That is just the way it is. For betas, they can choose what they want, if they're submissive betas the can conceive no matter the gender, but they need to keep with their diet and same with dominant ones except they cant have a baby.

After they finished eating, Kirishima, Mina, Danki and Sero came to their house to hang out before Kat has a kid on his head.

Yey! I think I'll finish another request and then sleep. Yes my style has changed a bit. Don't worry! I think it's good, and it's still me. I'm sorry I've been taking long ass breaks but I think I'm finally over my ex. He didn't deserve me and he is a bitch. His finally out of France with the whore. So I'm good now. And I have a new job on my head so I have more shit to do instead of sulking with ice cream and getting fat. Even though I cannot gain weight what so fucking ever.

Ok story time!!

On Sky's birthday which was on the start of August, I actually made the prince the cake he deserves, and I made a spare one just to throw in on his face. Oh and his brother ships me and him. Crazy right? Ik. Anywho, after that we actually spent the day together. Also I think he's lying when he says he doesn't have a crush on me. Like I have a crush on him, he's fucking gorgeous! Ok, I'm gonna write another one than I'll sleep. Hopefully I can do than before Sky wake up and put ne to sleep with a pan to the head. Ba byee. Love y'all stay safe ❣️

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