14. Eren x Neko UMR

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Au; neko, modern
Requested; yes
Name: attack on Titan
Type; smutty smutt

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 5'7

Hair; black

Eyes; yellow/gold

Length; 5in/5.5in


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Just pure kitty smutt ;) this will be vanilla but deal with it 🙃 I'm a bit horny :)
3RD person POV

Eren dumped M/N on the bed unceremoniously and stood back up to survey his giggling lover. He's a black locks were lustrous and flowing, grown long enough over the last year to reach his shoulders. Eren loves his hair, he loves to pull it and run his fingers through it, he would even brush it sometimes after M/N got out of the shower come out which he knew the young man tolerated with best befuddled amusement. M/N set up on his elbows, a tiny furrow appearing between his brows.

"Are you planning to join me?" Eren crossed his arms. Maybe he had been a little too focused on his new pet lately. He hadn't seen M/N spread out on the bed like this for weeks. "I want you to strip for me." His voice was soft, but the command was beneath the gentleness. M/N took note of it and obeyed. He set up slowly and knelt in the center of the bed, never taking those Gold eyes off of Eren's face. He unbuttoned his pale blue, short sleeved shirt, bearing his smooth chest inch by inch until he slid it off his shoulders. The year of healthy eating and focused athletic training had done a number on M/N's already beautiful body. Any body fat he had supported as an 18-year-old had melted away to reveal solid, long muscles. He would never be practically bulky, it wasn't his body type, but he was strong and hard in a way that made Eren's mouth water. His bronze skin reflected the tropical glow of a Miami summer. Every single thing about him was perfect.

M/N unbuckle these belt and unzip is ever present, hideous cargo shorts, sleeping them down his thighs slowly revealing his semi-hard cock. Eren's ties followed their progress, licking his lips involuntarily when they were fully down and pulling and against the bedspread.

"You are so fucking beautiful~" M/N swallowed as a slight blush dusted his cheeks. Eren marveled at Howell he could be so absolutely shameless and yet blush like a Virgin from a single compliment. He didn't dwell on it, though, he gave up trying to make sense of his boyfriend a long time ago, in favour of just simply being thankful for him. Unable to stand the separation between them any longer, he approached the foot of the bed, hands going to the tie of his robe. M/N held out his hand.

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