18. Noya x SMR

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Yes, the one before is not finished yet, I'm working on it... I had a horrible breakdown please forgive me... I'm human... I think... Also sorry I took so fucking long!! I was on a little vk with my boyfriend and he said I needed to take a break and breath, and now with the covid shit getting worse in France I'm kinda stressed... I hope y'all understand and forgive me...

Au; no (finally)
Requested; yes
Name: Haikyuu
Type; fluff, just pure fluff.

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 6'5

Hair; white

Eyes; Cristal blue

Length; not important

Length; not important

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A giant and noya... Pftt
You are noya's bf, one day the boys go to your guys place and they see ya'
Noya's POV

Practice ends in the gym and me Tanaka, Suga, Daichi, Asahi, Kageyama and Hinata go to my place, just to have guys night. None of them know I'm bi, but wanting guys more than girls. They all think I'm straight but I know that Suga and Daichi won't care, thay are gay themselves, same for Kageyama and Hinata. Tanaka has Ennoshita, but he couldn't come today with us, he had some things to do. About Asahi I know he won't care, the guy is Jesus! He is god! And he is Pan! God...

"So... There's something I need to tell yall before we go to my house..."

"What is it?" Suga asks.

"Well, I moved out of there... And now I live with someone"

"Ooo who is she!!" Tanaka asks

"He is my bf" I say as the all stop.

"You have a Bf and you didn't tell me!! I know you were bi!! I told you Tobio!! Are you bottom!! Please tell me your a power bottom" Hinata yells

"Yes, I'm bi, yes I'm a bottom, no I'm not a power bottom, he is like 3 times my size... Also no you don't know him, he finished school last year and was in the art classes, he is now a barista." I say and continue walking the other direction. They all follow me and we go to my place.

When we get there, I open the door as the sweet smell of my man invades my nose. "Baby! I'm home!" I say and take off my shoes. There are footsteps all around the place and finally my giant gets to the front door and hugs me tightly. He kisses my head and then my lips.

"Missed ya'" he says with that adorable accent he had. I kiss his lips Again and then turn to my friends.

"Guys this is M/N, babe, these are, Hinata, Kageyama, Suga, Daichi and Tanaka, there were supposed to be a few more ppl with us but they couldn't come." I say as he looks at them all.

"Hmm, I know you," he says pointing at Tanaka "and the two of you," he says now pointing at Suga and Daichi "but you two are new" he says looking at Hinata and Kageyama. I could tell he was trying to make sure the accent wasn't heared in his voice.

"Hey M/N-san-"

"Drop the san, I really don't give a shit." He says now going back to what he was doing which I guessed was going to the bathroom.

"What's with him?"

"He... Doesn't really like you guys..." I say looking at Suga and Daichi

"Why?" Daichi asks.

"Come in first" I say and let them in. We sit on the couch as I can gear M/N going up to his art room. It's sound proof from both sids so he can't hear us and we can't hear him. "So, he says that he moved here 2 years ago, on his 2nd year. He had no friends and was bullied in his last school for having an accent and his hair. That's the hair he was born with. And when he came here, a lot of people judged him, but it was better then before. He still doesn't trust a lot of people. And one day some guys were punching him, and he saw the two of you walking and you saw him and did nothing. You let him get beat up. Then he really closed off, he didn't talk to his parents and didn't talk to anyone. People at school actually thought he was mute... He refused to go to therapy and he got depressed, really depressed. I saw him one day sitting on a bench outside of class, I was free at the moment and I went to talk to him, at first he didn't talk back, but eventually he did, and then we started talking abd now were together almost a year" I say and have some teaes in my eyes.

"I..." Suga starts "I could've..."

"It's too late for could'ves. Think about the future, you have one life you shouldn't waist it with regret and should'ves." I hear M/N say. He leans on the wall his eyes looking at me with nothing but happiness. It feels like we were ment to be...

"I'm sor-"

"Don't bother" he says and comes over to me and picks me up and puts me on his lap. "I really don't give a shit, just because I'm older, you shouldn't act any different, just because you just understood what you could have prevent doesn't mean you need to be sympathetic." He says with no emotion at all.

"Well than, Tanaka, who has it been with Ennoshita~?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows

Ok ok ok, before y'all come at me, I'm not dead yet 😂. Anygay, Plz request! I'm kinda out of all of em, like I'm working on 2? Maybe one more... Not sure of it. So plz request! And I know that this chap took like extremely long, and as a reader myself I myself don't like it when writers take a brake without saying, but I'm really trying my best here... Also, most of the requests have stuff that are like Sadistic x masochist (if that what's its called... I'm not good with it sry) do y'all want that?? Also we got to 2k oh my!! Do you guys want a double/triple update?? Cuz I'll do it! Ok love y'all stay safe ❣️

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