37. Iwazumi x UMR

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Au; Omegaverse, modern.
Requested; yep!
Name: Haikyuu

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 5'2

Hair; Black

Eyes; baby blue

Length; 4in/4.5in

You are an omega, you and Iwa are married you have 10 kids together

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You are an omega, you and Iwa are married you have 10 kids together. And... Yeah... I think that's it... Also, I chose the kid's names, bc 10 is way to much... So I'm taking that burden off of your hands!

Iwazumi's POV

I slowly wake up to crying baby sounds. I open my eyes and look around. I see M/N laying on his tummy with his head buried in the pillow. I get up and put on boxers - since I sleep naked - and go to little Adrian. His nursery is in our room.

I walk there and pick him up. "Hey baby, what happened?" I ask since it's 3 am. "Did you have a bad deeam? Do you need a diaper change? Or are you hungry?" On the last question he looked up as if to say 'yes daddy, can't you see? I'm starving!' I chuckle at him and go over to M/N.

When we had the quint I was shocked that one, he can breast feed and two, he.. Umm... Poops the baby out? No.. He, he gives birth like a woman but... Ya' know...

I walk over to the love of my life and turn him so he's on his back. I attach him to M/N's nipple and go back to bed on the other side.

I pull M/N closer to me when Adri finished feeding and kiss the silky skin on his neck. "Mmm" he moans.  "Haji baby, what are you doing?" He asks and turns around in my hands. I found M/N on a morning run with Oikawa, I just saw him near the trash can and took him in. He was in an abusive house because he's an omega. You never abuse anyone, especially not an Omega! At first he was terrified of me. But now, six years later we fell in love and brought 10 kids to this world. He calls the my 'Army'... Not that far from the truth. My friends call our family, the 'Iwazumi clan' bc I have 3 siblings that have 3-6 kids each so ig we're a clan.

"Nothing at all my love" I answer and nipp on the bite mark I put on him.

"Nothing m-my ass." He moans a bit.

"Yes, your ass." I say and squeeze his ass and spank in. Boy has a huge ass. I love it.

"Stop, it's 3.30 am and... Adri is here..."

"Yeah he woke up about 30 minutes ago and I let him feed from you." I say, he humms and goes back to sleep.

Skip- your POV

I wake up and get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom the best I can without screaming in pain from my hips. I clean my face, empty my bladder, brush my teeth, and Bobby pin the part of my hair that gets in my hair.

I walk down the stairs and see my very sexy husband cooking while our army of kids is playing in the living room. I go to little Adrian that is putting his arms up to be lifted.

I put him on my hip and go to Hajime. "Hey baby" I say and kiss his back dimple.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" He asks and kisses my forehead.

"It was ok, getting up though, that hurt." I say and he smirks at me making me roll my eyes at him. I kiss Adri's head and go to the other kids.

I see the quint working on a puzzle. They are 5 years old and my oldest kids. 3 girls 2 boys, Ayah, Lili, Maya, Lu, Tom and Mika.

Then we have twins. Cameron and Kingstown. Two boys 3 years old.

Then we have another set of twins. Mackenzie and Willow Mea. Both girls are 1.

And last but not least Adrian that was born only a few months ago.

Oh shit... Wait! Did we use protection last night?? Please tell me we did!! I speed walk to Haji. "Babe, did we use protection??" I ask.

"Uh....... I... I don't think so..." He says thinking about it.

"You better have!" I say angrily. I can't be pregnant again! I... Too much kids!

Skip- a week later.

I just put the test on the sink and now I'm waiting for the result. What will I do? I know Haji will be happy but I don't know if I can go through another time all the mood swings and the pain...

I go over to the test and see it's suprise suprise! Positive!! I can't believe it...

If y'all want a part 2 tell me in the comments! Love y'all stay safe ❣️

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