39. Alpha SMR x Luna Keigo prt 4

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No intro needed!

Just that you are 6'4 and your dick is 14in when soft 17ih when hard. And that Keigo is 6'3. Ik ik deal with it.

Your POV

"O-okay, Daddy"

I found the electric tingle that race down our spine at those words. I'm not sure if Keigo actually spent enough time thinking of this over. He's response was too fast and I'm pretty sure that what my wolf was thinking about and what he had in mind were on two very different levels.

Oh pup, I thought, sympathetically as my wolf spoke the words out loud. "You should've said no," he finishes, twisting our lips into an excited snarl.

Then my site went dark. I was cut off from what was happening visually come up by no fault of my wolves really. His desire was so strong he accidentally knocked me farther back. I wasn't worried that it hurt Keigo, we're incapable of doing that, overwhelming him, on the other hand, is different. I couldn't see come out but I could hear feel and taste
I felt as Keigo's warmth swallowed my cock greedily. Tasting his mouth as my wolf muffled he's cried with our tongue. Heard him desperately beg and plead for mercy; to be able to cum. Daddy, he keeps whining. That only wound us up more and came inside him over and over again. It felt so fucking good. Good enough that I almost cursed myself out for denying as this level of pleasure. As I feel he's alive please as I filled him with my seed. I think I'm addicted.

My internal musing failed disjointed and easily distracted from one blindly pleasurable sensation to the next period I wish I could see the expression on my mate's face right now. What is face the red and puffy? His lips plump and read from abuse, his body slicked with sweat and my cum?

I wanted to see for myself.

It felt like I was clawing my way through a dark vertical tunnel. Slowly grappling with whatever outside simulus managed to reach me and hanging on for dear life. So slow. It was taking forever and my wolf wasn't helping. He's focus was so narrowed there was no way to catch his attentions so that we could share control. He's too out of it. Keigo was currently bringing all of his dirtiest fantasies to life right before his eyes and the alpha was determined not to miss a single moment. I don't blame him our mate is deliciously addictive.

Climbing back to for awareness with hard. Always has been in probably always will be but I managed it. My wolf's thoughts were no longer echoing booms that suppressed my own. They tone down. The giant horny beast was still preoccupied with his mate and hardly noticed me taking back control little by little we were once again truly wanting the same. Both of us now appeared through our eyes equally.

What I saw made my heart stutter and my balls filled with more cum to pump into my mate. Keigo looked absolutely wrecked. He's beautiful yellowish golden eyes were streaming with tears, he's enticing mouth hung open, drool dripping from the corner. His face was flushed red and the sounds, dear God is, the sounds he was making...


"Daddy-please..." He begged.

We growled.

"Take it. Take my cock," my wolf snarled, pounding harder. "Take my cum. Take it all like the good little cumslut for Daddy."

Keigo let out a low sound from the back of his throat. A mix between a stop and a moan. "Yeshshs, Dgaddii."

He looked and sounded absolutely fucked out. It feel the very basic come out primal part of me with savage satisfaction. No one else would ever be able to make him look like this, sound like this. Make him feel the way I am right now. He's m-

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