22. Zuko x SMR

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Have I ever said that Zuko was a top? No. Wanna know why? The boy is so fucking submissive... Anyhow, I wrote this a while ago, just didn't poblish it bc I was afraid not many ppl will like it, but really, fuck them man.

Au; modern.
Requested; yes. I don't remember by who I'm sorry!
Name: atla
Type; mostly fluff but then Lemonn!!

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 6'2

Hair; black long

Eyes; blue

Length; 13in/17in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Length; 13in/17in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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🥵 What a body...
You are a water bender, you are with the avatar gang, you help Katara and Angg master their water-bending. Also you love to tease Zuko and he loves you and you know that.
Zuko's POV

I sit on the rock with Toph and look at M/N, Katara and Angg train. M/N is shirtless since today is extremely hot.  He's sweating and his muscles... Oh those muscles... I would do anything to be crushed by them... I want to be dominated by him... And he knows it, but wont do shit about it!

Ugh, and I want to kiss those beautiful lips of his and feel his tounge in my mouth...

Shit! Zuko stop! You can't fantasies about M/N right now!! I can't have a boner right now!

"So, you like him?" I hear Toph say out of nowhere.

"Huh? Who?"

"M/N. You like him don't you?" She says with a smirk on her face.

I blush a little and look down at my lap. "Yes... I do." I reply.

"Hmm, everyone do, though he did clarify that he is in fact into man and not woman. Which we don't judge he's been through a lot, being raped by women does that to you. I can see why you like him though, I have no idea what he looks like but with Sokka talking about him all day long - about how he is going to steal all the women from him - and Katara explaining what he looks like, I have an idea, but I'm talking about his personality, he's a nice guy, he cares for me, and helps me choose clothes when I don't know what to wear, he makes me food when it's too early for everyone to wake up, he has a heart of gold." She says looking - well, trying to - at my eyes.

"Yeah, but he likes to tease me so much!" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air.

"Well, that is just him, he teases everyone Zuko, even Angg." She says. I sigh and nod, and then remembered she can't see it...

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