13. nice!shy!Bakugo x SMR

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Au; nice and shy Bakugo........
Requested; yeah! They didn't 2ant to ve tagged :)
Name: my hero academia/Boku No Hero Academia
Type; lime~

Name; M/N L/N


Hight; 5'11

Hair; red

Eyes; gold

Length; 10in/13in (still better then the 18 one >\\\\\\<)

Length; 10in/13in (still better then the 18 one >\\\\\\<)

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This is a fanart of karma, but it looked too good...
you and Bakugo are dating, he and Izuku planned to call and talk about a test and your horny~
Quirk-you choose, it isn't important.
Also the entire oneshot is in Bakugo's POV.
Bakugo's POV

I was in my dorm room, laying on my bed scrolling through social media. There was a test today and I agree to go through it with Deku. He was too embarrassed to come to my dorm so we both agreed that he will call me. While laying on my bed I heard a knock on my door.

I put my phone on the side of the bed and went to the door. I open it and I was immediately pushed on my bed. Then I heard the door close.

"M-M/N w-what are you doing here?!?!" I say startled. I've been dating M/N for about 2 years now, and I know where this is going...

"Oh you know why I'm here~" he walks over to my bed and pins me.

"Umm M/N maybe some othe-" I was cut off by him kissing me, then I pushed him away out of instinct... Which I probably shouldn't have...

"Hey! Babe! You can't do that! You've been teasing me all day! You caused it I'm your problem now~" then I remember that during the test I started robbing his thigh to tease him. Then when I got his attention I started to rub his inner thigh making him look at me in an angry and horny way.

"I-i'm sorry but this really isn't angoo-" I was cut off once again, by my phone... 'shit' I thought to myself, then he looked at my phone... "Oh? Why is broccoli boy calling you?" He asks and send me a glare.

"It's n-nothing we just agreed to talk about the test today!" I say in a really nervous way and curse myself for stuttering, then I look up at him and he grins....

"Oh, is that so?~ why don't you pick up?~" he gives me a cocky grin, I not in shame and answer, putting it on speaker.

"O-oh hey Kacchan! I thought you wouldn't answer!" Deku said sounding surprised.

"Y-yea I f-fell asleep!" I quickly think of an excuse... He leans into my ear and whispers in a heskey voice, "don't worry, I'll let you talk just don't be too loud~" my face turns red as the started kiss my neck. "I am sorry for a that , so you want to talk about test?" He asks innocently

"Yea of course, s-so do you think it was easy?" I ask calmly. M/N looks up at me and grins, he then starts to suck and kiss my neck, making hickeys all over. Then going down.

"Hmm well i guess it was normal, how about you Kacchan?"

"Oh umm I got a little confused about the last one where you were supposed to write about the hero's first fights. I got a little confused there..." I awkward lee chuckle trying to annoy the fact that M/N is there.

"Really?! I thought it was the easiest one since....." Deku study to rumble about the test. Meanwhile M/N took off my shirt and shorts, he then started to play with my sensitive nipples making me hold in my moans.

"Y-yeah how a-about we talk about t-hTAH!~~" M/N started to grind on me, making me unable to hold it in anymore, I could literally hear Deku tense up...

"I-uhm Kacchan are you ok?" Deku says sounding worried.

"Y-yeah I just uhmm well my b-back has b-been hurting s-so that's why..." I think of an excuse while M/N takes off my boxers. I look at him blushing trying to show him that I'm too embarrassed for this, but he just looks at me and smirks!!

"O-oh I can come over and umm help you..." Deku says even more worried about me. M/N starts to take off his pants and I try to push him off. Key word 'try' he spreads my legs open so I'm more comfortable band takes a deep breath, then he quietly says "you ready?" I just blush and look away, even though I said I didn't want to, I actually wanted to. The Deku hearing me moan would just be so wrong...

"No need to come I'll be okaAH!" Suddenly he thrusts in, I could hear a loud noise through the phone. "Deku?" I ask

"I-it's nothing I just fell off my bed heh... Anyway Kacchan I'm coming to your room to check on you. You sound in pain" my eyes lying and before I could answer him he hung up.

"Shit! M-M/N! You need to stoOp!" My moans field the room and he started going faster. "I-i'm cumming!" I yell out of breath, he starts moving even faster until we both cum.

Hey guys.... I know I've been gone long.... Again (-_-;)・・・I'm sorry about that... I just finished school so I'm free for now! So I'm gonna try write more :) Ok love y'all stay safe ❣️

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