━ chapter ten

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I shriek as I fall towards the floor, landing face flat onto hard cement. I cough holding my sore face, rubbing the pain. "Ouch!" I hiss, looking up. The black hole is still visible above me. 

I'm at the one place I was most excited for- except I'm nowhere near as excited as before. My heart is pounding loudly and my breathing is ragged.

Then I hear it. Anyone could've missed it, but my heightened senses caught onto it immediately.

A small shuffle in the background. It's almost pitch dark in the room but I slow my breathing and concentrate, snapping my eyes open as they glowed a slight yellow. 

"Shit." I sigh at the many people surrounding me. 

There's no way I can take them all, but maybe I can make them think I can. I stand, fists raised, eyes glowing. When suddenly I hear another thing, something familiar. 

"What the hell!?" Two familiar boys fall in front of me. "Kiri! Bakugou!" I exclaim, pulling them both up. "Quick, we're in a bit of situation." I inform, turning quickly as the first person runs towards us. 

I squint my eyes slightly, before sliding along the floor. I swing my leg, catching his legs and he falls to the floor. I slam my elbow into his nose and stand straight. 

"We're surrounded." 

Bakugou laughs loudly at the people surrounding us. "These extra's think they can beat us?!" He immediately begins to fire his explosions and Kirishima hardens his body.

I turn back to the people in front of me and raise my fists in front of my face. I furrow my brows in concentration as my eyes glow. "Come on..." I mumble to myself as a man runs towards me. Suddenly his shoulder begins to glow in my vision, along with his eyes and throat. 

I cheer in my mind, before taking one step and flipping over the man's head as he swung his arm. Grabbing his arm, I pull it with me as I land on the other side and swing it over my head, bringing the man with me. He slammed onto the floor in front of me- unconscious.

I sprint from person to person, faster than light. Swinging my leg for any weaknesses in people. Slamming my fist into people's throats. Each person's weakness glows in my vision, as if my body is telling me the exact place to hit.

I return to the centre where Kirishima and Bakugou are fighting. I lean on my knees. 

I overworked myself. I attempt to catch my breath, glancing at the injured people on the floor. I took out maybe ten people? But they were reappearing by the minute.


A fist swings for me, catching me in the mouth. My body flies from where I was bent over. I tumble across the floor, to the feet of a tall woman. Her foot stepped up and above my head, I immediately rolled, dodging. Her foot slammed onto the place my head was once at.

I stand quickly, swiping my hand under my cut lip, glancing down at the blood momentarily. 

I wave my hand at the two buys behind me. "I'm okay!" I call. "We don't care, just fight." I roll my eyes at the angry boy and swing my fist at the woman who attempted to kill me.

Connecting with her jaw, I leap into the air, spinning and sending a strong side kick into her face. She flew into another villain and they smacked against the wall. I was shocked at the strength before I turned to the two boys. 

"It's like bowling!" I exclaimed.

Kirishima laughed, blocking a punch from a large man. "You could say that!" I sprint for the man, tackling him to the floor. I roll off his body onto my back before rolling onto my shoulders and kicking myself into the air, landing on my feet. 

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