━ chapter thirty eight

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Mai's eyes fluttered open slowly. A weight on her hip and an unusual pillow took her by surprise. Looking up, the girl looked into the face of the boy she loves who slept peacefully. He slept surprisingly quietly, not even letting out a snore.

Trying not to move too much, the girl glanced down to see Bakugou's arm draped over her waist, and his arm under her head- explaining the 'unusual pillow'. 

She recalled the events that happened last night and felt her face heat up. She couldn't help the smile that overtook her face. Her heart pounded in her chest. The boy she loved, loved her back and was now sleeping soundly in her bed!

It took every nerve in her body to not reach out and touch the boy in front of her. The last thing she wanted to do was to disturb his sleep but his sleepy expression was gorgeous. 

"You gonna keep staring at me, weirdo?"

Mai jumped, not realising the boy had woken up while she was battling with her thoughts. Smiling sheepishly at the boy, Mai whispered a quick 'good morning' as the two stared at each other.

Bakugou sighed, shutting his eyes once again, "What time is it?"

She picked up her phone to check the time, noting that everyone would be in class by now. "Quarter to nine." She informed, "I'll head downstairs and make us breakfast. You get some more sleep, you're probably tired from fighting last night." Mai offered. "I'm not tired at all, shut up." The boy huffed. Mai rolled her eyes with a smile. "You'd think after confessing your love you'd get a little nicer." 

Bakugou opened one eye. "You knew what you were getting into." He responded. Mai let out a small laugh, the noise making the boy smile. 

Slowly picking the boys arm up, she gently placed it in front of the boy and got out of the bed. She slid on her slippers and headed downstairs to get breakfast for herself and Bakugou. 

"Be right back."

Walking into the kitchen, the girl was taken aback by the figure sitting down at the table. 


The boy let out a large squeal, holding his chest. Mai's hands shot to her face and she jogged towards the boy. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" She smiled apologetically. The green-haired boy shook his head at the girl. "Not at all, I didn't realise you were on house arrest with Kacchan and I." The boy confessed.

She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, letting out a small chuckle awkwardly. "Yeah, I kind of followed you guys out last night." She admitted. "I'm sorry for getting you guys in trouble." She bowed her head at the boy.

As Midoriya brushed off her apology, the girl headed towards the fridge to find breakfast for herself and Katsuki.

"So, if you- uh.. followed us out there. Did you- did you hear anything?" Midoriya asked nervously, crossing his fingers behind his back.

Mai took a bite out of an apple and nodded at the boy with a hum. "Yep!" She exclaimed. Midoriya couldn't help the sweat that dripped from his forehead. "Oh..?" His voice cracked.

The girl shoved the fridge door closed with her shoulder, her arms filled with fruit, to which she threw into a blender. "Nothing I didn't already know."  She shrugged, slamming the button and turning the loud smoothie-maker on. Midoriya's jaw dropped. Mai switched it off once she was satisfied and poured the smoothie into two glasses. 

"Kacchan told you?!" The boy assumed. 

"Told her what?" A voice rung out.

Midoriya and Mai's head's snapped to the entrance. "Kacchan?!" Midoriya squeaked. "Shut up. Told her what?" The boy repeated. "That All Might gave him his power." Mai informed, walking towards the boy and passing him a glass. "I told you to stay." The girl raised a brow.

Bakugou took it without any argument and let out a laugh. "No, this idiot actually managed to figure it out herself." He informed Midoriya before taking a sip of surprisingly nice drink.

Mai threw a look towards the boy, before turning back to smile at Midoriya. "I never would've thought about it until the time we went to that I-Island. Your friend- what was her name? -Oh Melissa! She let it slip that All Might brought you." Mai tapped her head. "That's when I started putting two and two together."

Midoriya looked at the girl in utter shock, her intelligence taking him by complete surprise. "Wait.. you're not joking?" The boy blurted in confusion. "You figured it out by yourself- without Kacchan's help?" 

Mai was slightly taken aback by the rudeness of the boys' assumption, but not as much as Bakugou. 

"Oi, don't talk to her like that. She's a lot more smart than your dumbass thinks." He sneered lowly, a threatening tone to his words. "I'm so sorry Kumiko-Chan!" The green-haired boy cried, standing from his chair and bowing his head slightly. "I didn't mean it like that at all!" He apologised. Mai smiled softly, glancing up at a glaring Bakugou.

He glanced down to the girl beside him and his angry face subsided momentarily, before returning when Midoriya raised his head. "It's okay Midoriya-Kun! I understand your confusion. And stop calling me by my last name." She smiled. 

"So... does- uh, anyone else know?" Midoriya asked nervously. Bakugou scoffed. "Of course not you idiot. Why would we tell anyone else?" He questioned roughly. Midoriya nodded at the boy, his worry subsiding. 

Mai shrugged, "I don't really care that much anyway, as long as you don't overtake my number three position." She threatened jokingly. Midoriya chuckled nervously. 

The three worked simultaneously to clean the building in time for when their classmates returned. 

Mai collapsed onto the couch, "this is so boring!" She cried out. "Get off your ass." Bakugou snapped, throwing a duster onto her stomach. She shoved it onto the floor and closed her eyes with a sigh. 

"Come on, who's seriously going to notice if we don't dust?!"

"Bakugou! You missed a spot!" Kaminari jeered, swiping his hand along the windowsill. Bakugou's head snapped to the girl chatting to her friend. "Mai!? I'm going to kill you!" 

just a filler sorry guys :)

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just a filler sorry guys :)

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