━ chapter fourteen

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In class that Monday, Aizawa announced the Spring Sports festival. I sat in my seat excitedly, wondering what type of agency I could get myself into.

"No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this chance." Aizawa explained, bandages covering every inch of his body. 

That evening, classes had just ended and I was packing my bag, chatting mindlessly with Mina when the door swung open revealing a crowd of students. I raise a brow, walking away from Mina and towards the entrance.

"They're scoping out the enemies." Bakugou appears from beside me, informing. "Enemies?" I question. "We fought villains, they're tryna see what they'll be against in the sports festival." He further explains. I nod my head slowly, "huh, they seem like stuck up pricks." I point out. He chuckles momentarily. "You said it."

A purple haired boy stood at the front. Complaining about how easy it us for us to switch places to poor Midoriya. I raised my eyebrow at the confident boy and gently pulled Izuku back.

"You trying to threaten us?" I question. He furrows his brow. "Of course not. I'm just saying, it's not that hard to get replaced. Note this as a declaration of war." He informs.

I laugh loudly. "A declaration of war? If you wanna even think about beating us, I'd focus on training, not standing outside our classroom like a bunch of wannabe's." I suggest. The boys' eyes darken at me before he smirks slightly.

"What's your name again?" He asks simply. I open my mouth to reply but my arm is grabbed and I'm suddenly pulled through the crowd. "We don't have time for this, we've a tournament to win." Bakugou speaks in the purple haired boys face. 

Pulling my coat from my shoe locker i glance to Bakugou who leaned against the locker beside me. "There's something weird about that purple haired guy." I say. Bakugou nodded along. "Do you know his quirk?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled my jacket on. "No clue, wonder why he just asked my name randomly though." I wonder aloud.

Bakugou didn't respond, just walked beside me as we headed for the train station. "So... you gonna win the Sports Festival?" I broke the thick silence. He gave me a knowing look. "Are you seriously asking me that?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at his egotistical response. "Sorry I asked." I replied sarcastically. 

"What about you?" He questioned. My eyebrows raised at the boy who was continuing the conversation before shrugging. "I probably won't win, but I'm hoping to come at least above fourth. Seems like the one thing me and my parents have in common is always coming in fourth." I joke.

"Well you definitely won't win, or come anywhere near me-" I shot a dirty glare towards the boy. "But you can try." He shrugged, walking ahead.

The morning of the Sports Festival, I sat between Kirishima and Kaminari, opposite Mina and Bakugou. My leg was bouncing up and down with nerves and my eyes were closed as I tried taking calming deep breaths.

Kirishima and Kaminari were talking loudly to each other and I had to wonder why they didn't just sit beside each other rather than speaking over my head but I didn't want to break what little concentration I had.

Everyone's voices died down as Todoroki made a speech about how he'd beat Midoriya- who I couldn't help but feel bad for, he definitely hasn't had it easy. I slowed my breaths, my heart beat slowing down. I glanced up at the clock. Two minutes. Wait. Two minutes!?

I jump from my seat and walk towards the door, where Iida was already standing, ready to walk out.

"Let's go, class-A."

I walked beside Momo into the arena. Looking around at all the people in the stands, smiling brightly. "There's more people than I expected." Momo spoke nervously from beside me. I shrug, "They're all here to see us though." I smirk, "isn't that weird. They all want to see us." I spoke quietly.

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