━ chapter sixteen

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I splashed water onto my face and leaned over the sink, staring at the water go down the drain. Water dripping off my face. I look up at the mirror in front of me and sigh shakily. I wipe my arm across my face, attempting to dry my face.

I smile into the mirror a few times before stepping away, looking at my body in this cheerleading outfit. People actually saw me in this? How embarrassing. I shift the shirt around, attempting to feel good about myself before dropping my hands and looking away from the mirror, walking away.

I swing the door open to see a familiar boy across from me, leaning against the wall. "Bakugou." My voice cracks and I cough, "Bakugou." I repeat, nodding to him. He looked into my eyes before his eyes flickered down my body, then snapped back up to my face. "Figured you'd be here." He speaks up after a moment.

I raise my eyebrow at him. "Stalker much?" I joke. He doesn't laugh, only uses his foot to kick off the wall and starts walking, I speed after him. "So, that's all you wanted to say?" I ask. "You walked down here just to prove I'd be there?" I question.

"You're up against Pinkie in a bit, right?" My nerves immediately come back. "Yeah..." I sigh quietly. "You gonna win?" Bakugou huffs. "I- uh, I don't know." I say gently.

"Huh?" The boy looks down at me. "You don't think you can?" He asks. "I'm just not really used to long distance fights, and that's something she specializes in." I mumble. "Don't be an idiot, you know you can beat her so shut up." For some reason, the vulgar words from the blonde actually gave me some courage.

After a few minutes of walking, he speaks up. "Why are you wearing that?" He wonders aloud. "It was Mineta and Kaminari- uh, I was just about to change now." I stop, pointing at the changing rooms we had just come upon. He clicks his tongue, "Shame." He says, before walking away.

My face flushes and as I walk into the changing room, I glance at myself in the mirror- for once actually not feeling terrible.

I stand at the entrance of the stadium. My hands were shaking, my heart was pounding and I was just hoping Mina wouldn't hurt me too bad.

Cheers erupt from the crowd, people screaming our names. Mina waved madly, smiling brightly at everyone. I took a breath, walking up the stairs to the platform and smiled widely at everyone. My eyes landing on a certain spiky haired boy in the crowd who held a straight, concentrated face.

I have a plan, it's not great- but it's better than nothing.

"The feline from Class-A!" I hear from the speakers. "She's quick and agile- it's Mai Kumiko from the hero course!" Present Mic yelled.

"Versus-" Mina steps in front of me. "Is there something going to come out of them horns?! From the hero course, it's Mina Ashido!" The girl stretches opposite me.

"We're still best friends, right?" I ask. She shrugs, "Depends on who wins." She smirks.

"Start!" Present Mic screams.

Mina immediately shoots acid from her hands towards me. I dodge it easily, running rapidly towards the girl. Sliding underneath the girls legs, I leaped up behind her and spun around, delivering an overpowered roundhouse kick directly to her side. She flies across the platform, tumbling when she hits the floor and rolls right out of bounds.

I sigh in relief and step back, waving my hand momentarily before walking from the arena.

"Kumiko advances!"

I plop down on the seat beside Bakugou. I can hear a few 'congratulations,' to which I just smile and thank. Bakugou leans close to me, "I can't believe you thought you'd lose, you idiot." His breath fans my neck as he mumbles in my ear.

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