━ chapter thirty

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Mai didn't know how to act. She hadn't seen any of her friends in days and they had already moved in and probably on without her. Those were the thoughts that were flooding through her head as she walked towards the entrance of the dorms.

Taking a breath, the girl opened the entrance doors. It was silent, well it was eight-thirty in the evening so she didn't really expect people to be up or waiting for her or anything. She stalked her way around the building, trying to figure her way around the area. 

A loud bang was heard from above her and a yell before the door to the stairs, she presumed, burst open. "Intruder!" Someone yelled. Mai tilted her head at the large group of students, half dressed in normal clothes and the others in their pajamas.

"MAI!?" A loud yell sounded from the silent students. A certain pink girl leaped towards Mai, who for once couldn't dodge. The two girls slammed onto the floor and the wind was knocked from Mai's chest.

"I was so worried!" The pink girl sobbed into her best friends shoulder. Mai's eyes watered again but the last thing she wanted to do was cry for the third time over the past two days. Uraraka and then all the girls of one-a joined in the hug.

"We were all so scared for you!" Uraraka confessed. Her classmates flooded her with heartfelt sentences and the girls heart warmed at the love. 

"You idiots really thinking swarming her the day after she gets out of hospital is smart?" A familiar voice sounds from outside the group hug. 

Immediately, everyone dispersed and looked in shock at the blonde that was surprisingly still awake. Well, everyone but the girl who started it. "Get off her, raccoon eyes." The pink haired girl was yanked off Mai. 

"Kaachan!" Midoriya scolded.

"I'm okay, I'm all healed up and back to normal." Mai smiled with a thumbs up. This didn't stop Bakugou shooting the green haired boy a look before grabbing Mai's arm. "I'll show her to her dorm." He informs Class 1A. 

Not waiting for a response, the boy dragged the girl towards the elevator. She shot an apologetic look towards her other friends as the doors closed in front of them.

"How long have you guys been here for?" Mai questioned. Bakugou shrugged, "this is the first night for us all." He responded simply. Mai hummed in response. "Are you- are you okay?" Mai asked the boy. His head snapped down to look at her. "What type of stupid question is that?" He responded gruffly. 

Mai shrugged, "a nice one?" 

Bakugou huffed. "I'm fine. Come on, your dorm is on the top floor." Mai followed Bakugou out of the elevator and stopped in the middle of the hall. He stood at her door as she opened it. Everything was unpacked neatly away, taking Mai by surprise. 

Her room was painted a beige colour, her bed was made neatly with checkered bed linen. She had fairy lights strung about her walls and along her roof. There were posters that she had hung in her room at Nemuri's placed along the wall. It looked cosy and warm.

"Did you unpack my stuff?" Mai asked, turning towards the boy who was leaning against her doorframe. "What? No you idiot, I wouldn't touch your stuff." He scoffed, looking away for a moment. Mai's eyes drifted over the boys side-profile in awe. 

She really thought he was gorgeous.

He was in a black top and grey sweatpants, his muscles were defined as he had his arms crossed. 

"What you looking at?" Bakugou snapped her from her thoughts and her eyes met his. "Nothing." She chimed quickly. Bakugou stepped into her room and looked around. "Looks cool-" Bakugou stopped speaking immediately once he made his way to her bed. He leaned forwards and picked up a frame on her bedside table.

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