"Three point one-two seconds!" It calls. I skid to a stop. The girl I know as Jiro comes to a stop a few seconds after. "Sorry." I nod to her. She shrugs. "That was really cool." She compliments. My chest swells and I look away red. I sway my hand in front of me. "Oh, it was nothing."
I turn towards the bundle of students and walk past a familiar blonde. "Good luck trying to beat that."
I stood beside a white and red haired boy, holding onto the hand-held device that reads the force of our grip. 'Thirty-six kilograms,' it read. "This isn't fair." I complain. The quiet boy next to me shrugs, showing me his one hundred and seventy-eight kilograms.
I smirk staring at the sand box. I look towards Aizawa. He nods to me and I sprint. I leap through the air.
As I land on the other side of the box I look up and smile slightly towards the competitive blonde.
Bakugou huffs and looks away.
"Looks like we're even." I sing. "Not for long."
I got two hundred and thirty-three repeated side steps. Blondie got two hundred and twelve.
The ball throw let me down.
"Forty-five meters." The robotic voice called. I groaned in annoyance, slamming my foot onto the ground and walking back to the class. "There seems to be a big difference in seven hundred and forty-five." I hear from beside me.
I glare sharply at the smirking boy.
Midoriya went straight after. "Forty-six meters!" The robot calls.
Blondie lets out a cackle. "Even Deku got more than you!" He laughs. I cross my arms in a huff. "Midoriya isn't bad. He's in class one-A for a reason, you idiot." I defend. The green haired boy looks to me momentarily before getting hassled by Aizawa.
He attempts to throw the ball again- but this time it soars through the air.
'Seven hundred and fifty point three.'
"Even Deku got more than you!" I mock, elbowing the blonde beside me.
I glance towards him when he doesn't make a remark. Everyone else is cheering and whooping but Bakugou is just standing there. His jaw is open and it's as if he's frozen in the spot.
"Hello? You're gonna catch flies." I attempt to mock the boy but his eyes darken and his shocked face turns into one of rage.
I wave my hand in front of his face as it seemed like he was in a trance, but I look down to see his hands forming small explosions. He bursts past me in a sprint. "Deku you bastard! Tell me how you did that or you're dead!" He screams, about to blow Midoriya's face off.
Suddenly Aizawa flicks his scarf tightly around blondie. "Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?!" Bakugou exclaims. "Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fibre and a special metal alloy." He explains briefly.
"Stand down." He demands. "It'd be wise not making me use my quirk so much." He informs. "It gives me serious dry eye." He adds.
"Too bad that power is amazing!" Everyone in the class says simultaneously.
"You're wasting my time now, whoever's next can step up." Aizawa says.
I look in despair at the table in front of me. "Fourth!?" I cry. A chuckle is heard from beside me. "Looks like you're not as good at you thought." Looking up one place higher, Bakugou's name was displayed as third. I turn sharply towards the blonde. "One place higher." I remind. "One place higher." I repeat to myself.
He huffs and smirks, looking away. "Exactly."
I glance down the table. Twenty first place - Izuku Midoriya.
I can hear Bakugou laugh from behind me. "Nothing none of us expected." He said rudely. "Can you- not be a complete ass for two seconds?" I say exasperated. The few students around us looked up in shock. "What did you just say?"
"The only reason you did well is because your quirk can be used easily- it's simple. It's obvious Midoriya's is much more complex." My hands lay on the side of my hips and I gesture towards the upset green haired boy.
"The hell did you just say to me?" The angry boy towers over me. My heart was pounding,
I'm going to get killed.
I gave a quick side glance towards Aizawa-Sensei who, thankfully, was watching. "You- you heard me." I cursed my nervousness.
"I was lying. No one is getting expelled." Bakugou was interrupted. I let out a sigh of relief and step away from the angry blonde.
"That was just something I said to make sure you guys gave it your all." Aizawa explained. "That's all for today, make sure you guys pick up a syllabus before tomorrow's class." And with that, he walked off.
I look around to find Mina and spotted her talking to Kaminari and another boy.
"Ashido-Chan!" I call, jogging up to her. "Kumiko-Chan, this is Kaminari and Kirishima." She introduced. The red-head, Kirishima nodded his head at me while Kaminari merely smiled. "We've already been introduced." He informs with a wink. I laugh slightly. Kirishima's head snaps to Kaminari in shock.
"How did you speak to her before me?"
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