My world is in your love Chapter-8

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From sejal, Vansh came to know about Riddhima's past. Sejal shared her opinion about the VR mansion. As usual, Riddhima was praying at the Ganapati Bappa temple and told bappa that she got a job offer in London and thanked bappa. When she was about to return from the temple, Riddhima's phone started to ring. It was Kabir. She tried to avoid Kabir and didn't pick up the call. She went to hospital to see new patients. She was astonished to see Akash (Ishani's ex-boyfriend). Akash had a fracture in his left hand and a sprain in his leg. Riddhima enquired to the nurse.

Riddhima: How did he get hurt?

Nurse: He has misbehaved with a girl. The girl's brother has taught him a good lesson.

Riddhima: Do you know who attacked him?

Nurse: Yes... It is Mr. Vansh Raisinghania. Don't tell anyone, Riddhima.

Riddhima was shocked to see the condition of Akash. Riddhima was tensed about Vansh. What will vansh do for her? Because she had hurt Kabir. Riddhima thought to herself: Mr. VR won't spare anyone who hurts his family, Akash is the best example for it. What will I do now?

While Riddhima was about to leave the hospital. Riddhima's phone started to ring. It was an unknown number. She attended the call.

Riddhima: May I know who is speaking?

Vansh: I am Vansh Raisinghania.

Riddhima: Mr. VR...

Vansh: Yes, Are you free today? I wanted to talk with you. Shall we meet at the park?

Riddhima: Mr. VR, I have important work. I will call you later.

Vansh: But, Riddhima. She had cut the phone call. Angre!...

Riddhima switched off her phone in fear. She had a nervous shivering feeling.

Next morning,

Riddhima was going to hospital. Suddenly a car came and two men pulled her inside the car. Riddhima began to shout inside the car. Riddhima was forcefully compelled to smell the tissue paper. Riddhima lost her consciousness. When Riddhima woke up, she realized she was in the dark room. She tried to move, but she was tied up by the rope in the chair.

Vansh came inside the room. She was in fear and angry with Vansh. Vansh untied the rope.

Vansh: Why didn't you pick my call?

Riddhima didn't listen to vansh speech. She thought to herself, "Vansh with a gun in his hand pointing towards the direction of her"

Vansh: I will kill you, Riddhima for hurting my brother and my family.

Riddhima: No, Vansh Raisinghania.

Vansh understood that she was day dreaming.

Riddhima: No, please... No. Please leave me...

Vansh clenched Riddhima's shoulders and shook her. Riddhima's day dreaming came to an end.

Vansh: What happened to you?

Riddhima: Nothing...

Vansh: Okay, tell me why you didn't pick my call.

Riddhima: I was busy yesterday, Mr. VR.

Vansh: Why are you lying to me?

Riddhima: No, Mr.VR, I was not in the mood to talk with you.

Vansh: Okay, I need to talk with you now.

Riddhima: Vansh, please don't kill me. I am a little cute, innocent girl who has a lot of dreams and goals in my life.

Vansh: Riddhima... Will you allow me to speak?

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